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CCMP100-RD-037 肩部關節疾患之傷科整復手法與針灸治療成效之比較分析

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-09
  • 更新時間:106-06-15


目的: 研究肩關節周圍疾患以中醫傷科推拿手法配合針灸治療在療效成效、生活功能及療程費時之評估,並且與單純針灸治療進行比較分析。

The Comparison and Evaluation Between The Treatment Response of Shoulder Disease By Acupuncture and Tuina Metho

Jung-Peng Chiu
Taipei City Hospital Linsen Chinese Medicine Branch
Objective: To research the treatment response, treatment time and life function of the shoulder disorders by using Chinese manipulation and acupuncture. Furthermore, comparing the data with the pure acupuncture treatment.
Method: We collect the patients with shoulder disorders at the the outpatient department of chinese traumatology in Taipei City Hospital, Linsen TCM Branch. We use image photography to exclude the patients those who have fracture or cartilage problem and then we record the range of motion and pain degree of affected shoulder, life function and Chinese symptoms scale. We give manipulation and acupuncture at the regions around affected shoulder. We use VAS scale to check the improvement of pain at every clinic-visting and check the range of motion, pain degree, life function and Chinese symptoms again at the end of course. We use the datas to evaluate the outcome and improvement of life function by using manipulation with acupuncture, and compare them with pure acupuncture group.
關鍵字:Periarthritis of the shoulder, Manipulation, Acupuncture treatment.