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CCMP100-RD-015 中西醫合治腎病之臨床療效及安全性分析

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-09
  • 更新時間:106-06-15


中藥是五千年來中國醫療文化之累積,在人體許多疾病上皆已被證實具有療效,然而中藥在腎臟疾病之使用上則仍處於渾沌未明時期,甚至許多文獻已證明中草藥是具腎毒性,更因為馬兜鈴酸(Aristolochilic acid)事件,因而有人提出中藥腎病變(Chinese Herb Nephropathy)之名稱,使得中藥幾乎與腎毒性劃上等號。截至目前為止,全世界在中藥與腎炎上之運用並未被提出具療效之藥劑,且二者間之關係及療效亦無被使用科學方法加以佐證。為了重新定位中藥在腎臟疾病之角色,本研究著重在中藥與腎臟疾病之探討。收集臨床慢性腎病變(Chronic Kidney Disease,簡稱CKD)之糖尿病及非糖尿病第一期~第五期個案,給予臨床使用之中藥複方治療,考證驗治中藥治療腎炎之療效,來證明中藥在腎炎治療之角色。希望藉由本臨床試驗之完成,開發臨床腎臟疾病之另一治療途徑,並推動中藥產業發展及維護國民健康。

(1)    評估知柏地黃丸、濟生腎氣丸對慢性腎病未接受透析前之療效、安全性,並找出最適合之中西藥合併治療之比例。
(2)    評估人蔘養榮湯對慢性腎臟病以接受血液透析之療效、安全性,並找出最適合之中西藥合併治療之比例。
全面性分析CKD stage1~5個案,建立腎病之中西合治平台,提升中醫臨床服務品質並提升中醫與現代醫學互動及合作。

With the arrival of aging century, the prevalence and incidence of uremia has increased year after year. In Taiwan, the dialysis treatment for uremic patients costs NT $300 billion dollars more per year; however, this problem not only happens to Taiwan but also to other developed countries in the world. The reason of such a phenomenon is because the less knowledge for the pathogenesis of uremia and the less effective treatment. Two of the most common causes of uremia, chronic glomerulonephritis (GN) and diabetic nephropathy (DN), have accounted for about two thirds of the disease. As known, the majority of glomerulonephritis is caused by hyperactive of immune reactions, which leads to the major treatment for GN relying on immunosuppressive agents. However, these drugs not only have side effects but are ineffective to some primary GN. As for DN, its pathogenesis involves a complex metabolic reaction of the body, and its treatment in addition to blood glucose and blood pressure control, there is no effective treatment to kidney failure. Therefore, it is urgency to find the new treatments for GN and DN (hereafter referred to chronic kidney diseases, CKD). 
Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) is a medical culture in China for five thousand years. Up to present, a number of diseases in human beings have been confirmed with the effect on CHM. However, the role of CHM on CKD is still in the unknown period. Many of the literature of CHM has proved to be a renal toxicity, and furthermore because of aristolochic acid event, which was made of Chinese herbs nephropathy (CHN), making CHM almost equate nephrotoxicity. In order to re-define the role of CHM in CKD, the CHM which proved to have the therapeutic effect on human diseases were chosen to undergo clinical trials. The effective CHM on CKD will be determined. 
For redefine the role of CHM on CKD, our study group integrates Chinese and Western doctors, statistics and pharmaceutical experts. In our previous study, we have suggested知柏地黃丸 and濟生腎氣丸showed the effect of anti-inflammation in kidney diseases, and also established the flow chart of combination therapy western and Chinese medicine. However, that study was short and limited cases. Here, we proposed this new study using the same research team to improve our previous results. This research will use the three main compound Chinese medicine, 知柏地黃丸、濟生腎氣丸and人蔘養榮湯. Those treatment combined Western medicine to assess the efficacy and drug safety one the CKD cases. Series of blood and urine were collected regularly during study. Basic biochemistry data and the markers referred to anti-inflammation were investigated to prove the role of Chinese medicine in the treatment of CKD, and to assess their drug safety. 
The final goals of the plan:
1. To determine the therapeutic effective of 知柏地黃丸 and濟生腎氣丸 on the cases of CKD before dialysis and establish the standard flow chart of combination therapy western and Chinese medicine. 
2. To determine the therapeutic effective of 人蔘養榮湯 on the CKD under hemodialysis and establish the standard flow chart of combination therapy western and Chinese medicine. 
3. To enhance the interaction and cooperation between Chinese and Western medicine.