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CCMP100-RD-012 蟾蜍靈對細胞發炎反應的效益評估及其作用機制和標的分子探討

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-09
  • 更新時間:106-06-15



Significance of Bufalin in Cellular Inflammatory Cascades

Yuh-Lin Wu
Department of Physiology, National Yang-Ming University
Interaction between diseases, disease-modifying genes, and herbal modulators of those gene products has been a top aim of biomedical research as well as the core of Chinese medicine. It has been a critical goal in lab to locate herbal molecules with identoified novel functions, to delineate the related mechanisms, and to identify the target molecules or genes of the pure herbal molecules. One feature of Chinese medicine is that it is able to perform an anti-inflammatory and/or to promote body immune activities. Inflammation is a normal physiological process, which occurs in a variiety of tissues; however, unharmonious inflammation may result in devastating outcomes, such as sepsis. Bufadienolides are extracts of toxic glands from toads, and used as anticancer agents mainly on leukemia cells. However, the potential contribution of bufadienolides to the inflammatory process remains mostly unclear. Thus, this project is aiming to investigate a pure component of bufadienolides, bufalin, to evaluate its effects on cellular inflammatory cascades, to pinpoint the involving molecular mechanisms, and to identify its potential target genes in a global scope. There will be two specific aims in this proposal. Aim 1: In cell culture models, we will illustrate the impacts of bufalin on cellular inflammatory cascades from cellular, biochemical and moleculr biological aspects. Aim 2: With the microarray assays, we will disclose the whole panel of the target genes of bufalin and by using systematic biology technique we will also seek to examine the intriguing connection between bufalin and any candidate signaling molecules (pathways). Our findings will expand the knowledge of if and how bufalin contributes to the inflammatory process. We will also anticipate the identification of novel target genes of bufalin to provide valued options for treating inflammation-related diseases.
關鍵字:Bufalin; Inflammation; Signal transduction