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CCMP95-RD-015 中醫體質量表及分型指標之評值

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:95-09-25
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


本研究的目的在評值中醫體質量表信效度及各分型的指標基準,並確認量表內部結構。採立意取樣,以滾雪球方式收案,研究對象來自醫院健檢門診、大學生各年級、碩博士班學生、社區及社區大學。擬依年齡及性別分層選取20至60歲自覺身體正常且沒有慢性病史者1200位。使用94年度完成之中醫體質量表進行資料收集,以測驗此量表的穩定度。資籵收集後,以SPSS+ 12.0版統計軟體進行分析,本年度預期完成中醫體質量表信效度及體質分型指標之再測試,並評估中醫體質量表之內部結構。本體質量表可提供醫療人員客觀評估體質之工具,有助於中醫臨床及研究疾病防治的推展,且促進中醫現代化。亦可提供護理人員評估個案體質,設計符合個案體質之衛生教育及生活起居之指導,進而預防疾病發生,更希望藉此量表做為保健介入性研究之評估工具,促進健康政策之推展

The Evaluation of Traditional Chinese Medical Constitutional Scale and Classification Index

Hsien-Tsai Wu
Southern Taiwan University of Technology
The purpose of this study is to develop the classificatory index of Traditional Chinese Medical Constitutional Scale(TCMCS) and. Confirm the internal construction. A primary scale was established in the first year. The subjects will be come from hospital health exam. Center, university students and communities by snowball sampling. Stratified sampling for 1200subjects will be included from the year of 20 to 60 who feel him (or her) self is in normal condition, in order to test the stability of TCMCS that was developed last year. After all,the SPSS+12.0 will be use for date analysis. The constitutional categories?HHThe test-retest reliability and internal constructers will be complete in this year. The Traditional Chinese medical constitutional scale provides the health team an objective evaluate tool in subjects evaluation. It also improves the nurses in caring the individual health care and education on health issues. Further more, it could be an invasive assessment tool in promoting the health strategies.
關鍵字:Constitution;Traditional Chinese Medical Constitutional Scale(TCMCS);Constitutional type