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CCMP95-RD-204 補益類中藥保護幹細胞及影響癌病患腫瘤細胞之免疫相關之功能基因體研究(2-1)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:95-12-01
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


在臨床上,傳統中藥對人體疾病已有廣泛應用,而在許多重大疾病的西醫治療上,中藥亦具有輔助效果,例如目前已知,中藥對於輔助癌症化療後的生理系統恢復,效果明顯。然而到目前為止,對於中藥在細胞組織生理的影響,了解仍非常有限。而近年來,幹細胞的研究已顯示成體幹細胞具多組織修復再生功能,小自身體日常組織細胞之更新,大至提供個體受傷之組織再生功能,都由幹細胞主導。在人體生理恢復過程中,幹細胞之增殖分化調節顯得格外重要,特別是在組織細胞面對環境壓力時,其幹細胞更是扮演著重要角色。本計畫旨在以系統分子醫學的角度,應用藥物基因體醫學之分析,探討並比較補益類中藥對於正常組織幹原細胞與腫瘤細胞的細胞生理及分子基因層面之影響,並藉而建立補益類中藥對人體組織幹原細胞基因體表達功能影響之資訊。在過去的研究中,本實驗室已建立數種人體組織幹細胞分離鑑定及培養之平台─從骨髓、脂肪、臍帶血、包皮、頭皮、羊膜等組織來源分離取得幹細胞,有效率地提供各組織幹細胞之生長、分化及分析檢測。已運用此細胞技術平台於中藥研究之計劃目標分類如下;(1)針對單方藥材如黃耆、西洋參、三七、柴胡、紅景天及複方中藥如人蔘養榮湯、十全大補湯及生脈散等活血化瘀藥材,分析此類中藥對於促進造血及間質幹細胞生長及分化等細胞活性之藥效分析。(2) 針對單方藥材如黃耆、西洋參、三七、柴胡、紅景天,何首烏及複方中藥如補中益氣湯、四物湯及生脈散等藥材。

A Functional Genomic study of Some Bu-Yi Chinese Herbs? Pharmacologic Effects on Protection of Tissue Stem/Progenitor Cells and Immuno-modulation of Patient?s Cancer Cells (2-1)

Tzu-Bi Shih
Taipei Medical University
The objective of this proposal study is to investigate and compare the molecular pharmacologic effects of the traditional chinese Bu-Yi medicine on normal stem cells and cancer cells in cancer patients. At mean time, to initiate and collect the molecular data for establishing a pharmacologic informatics bank of Chinese drugs effects on human tissue stem cell and malignant cells.We have previously established several human tissue stem/progenitor cell primary cultures for molecular studies on their lineage specific differentiation potentials. In vitro cell lineage specific differentiation culture studies on hematopoietic stem/ progenitor cells (peripheral blood, umbilical cord blood, and fetal liver) and on mesenchymal stem/progenitor cells derived from various tissues (bone marrow, peripheral blood, fat, scalp, foreskin, and amniotic membrane tissue) have been examining.
關鍵字:Cancer cell’s immuno-modulation;Human tissue stem/progenitor cell;Bu-Chi Chinese medicine