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CCMP94-RD-030 從基因體層面探討台灣赤楊diarylheptanoid成分之抗發炎作用

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:94-05-02
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


文獻中已報導赤楊屬植物為亞洲居民之傳統民間用藥,通常用於治療發燒,減輕頭痛和腫脹。赤楊屬植物富含多種 diarylheptanoid類成分,而台灣赤楊 (Alnus formosana)也不例外,已證實含有oregonin,alusonol,alnustone及許多新成分,均屬於diarylheptanoid類結構。diarylheptanoid類成分是廣泛存在自然界多種植物中的一類化合物,其生物活性近年來漸漸引起重視。就目前文獻報告得知diarylheptanoid類結構成分一般具有抗發炎的功效。在抗炎方面的潛力是基於發現myricanol,myricanone,oregonin及其他diarylheptanoid類成分可抑制一些發炎媒介物質的表現,例如NO, PGE2, leukotriene。近年之研究更證實這些作用主要是因抑制inducible NO synthase (iNOS),及cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2)蛋白基因表現而來,但真正是如何影響這些基因表現仍不明白。過去活體實驗也證實有些diarylheptanoid類成分對皮膚發炎的老鼠有明顯療效,因此綜合這些已知的結果使我們相信自然界豐富的diarylheptanoid類結構成分具有開發為抗發炎藥物的潛力,也因此台灣赤楊的藥用價值更值得開發及需要加以科學化。為進一步探討赤楊的生物活性,作為臨床運用及將來藥物開發的理論依據,本計劃擬分析赤楊粗抽提物及數種已純化,分子結構確定的diarylheptanoid化合物,比較在抗發炎方面活性與化學結構的關係,並利用生化及分生方法探討調控發炎媒介基因表現的真正分子作用機制,及對多型性白血球,單核細胞移行驅化及附著能力的影響與作用機轉。希望由這些天然來源豐富,不同結構diarylheptanoid化合物的藥物作用機轉差異比較,有助於釐清療效的根源及將來更廣泛的臨床運用及新藥開發。

Oregonin inhibits lipopolysaccharide-induced iNOS gene and NO expression in macrophages and microglia

Feng-Ming Ho
Chinese Medicine Clinical Trial Center
In previous reports, Alnus formosana plant is belong to the traditional herb in Asia for a long time. In general, its medical effects can control fever, headache and inflammatory process. Alnus formosana , including Taiwan Alnus formosana,contains multiple groups of diarlheptanoid. However, Taiwan Alnus formosana was also proved and contained the struct oregonin, alusonol and alnustone, which are all belong to diarlheptanoid structure. In recent years, the bioactivity of diarlheptanoid is gradually studied and found a very important effect in the anti-inflammatory process. Based on the effects of myricanol, myricanone and other diarlheptanoid-like substances, they can inhibit the expression of inflammatory mediators, e.g. NO, PGE2, and leukotriene. Moreover, many evidence have also proved that its the effects of Taiwan Alnus formosana can inhibit the gene expression in inducible NO synthase and cyclooxygenase-2. But its detail mechanism remain unclear. According to many experimental supports, we believe that the effects of Taiwan Alnus formosana will have many important potentials, which is necessary to prove in the future. Finally, we hope that the nature product, like Taiwan Alnus formosana or other diarlheptanoid-like substances, can be given more advanced studies and be used in clinical practices.