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CCMP94-RD-002 中醫影像診斷檢查的輔助應用程式開發之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:94-12-26
  • 更新時間:109-02-18



Traditional Chinese Medicine Image Diagnosis Examination of Access Application Program of Study

Chia-Chang Liu
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
The diagnosis method of four examinations in traditional Chinese medicine is very importantly, especially inspection. The diagnosis of TCM cannot accept by medicine because of no regular diagnosis process or thinking process and different TCM doctor maybe do different diagnosis. And the evident base of inspection is the most important tool for examination data. There are no suitable assessor soft ware for image output ,image window or parameter data statistics analysis. And doctor still use traditional diagnosis method .It is important to study of soft ware for scientific, digital, objective, examinational parameter data base. We will design a image data base by program language of C Java Php ASP Vb or Delphi in the computer windows system. The skill of photo have done by tongue examination and we are not repeats this procedure and we use the final data according pass study report. The examination data will calculate by formulation and data can trans to SPSS or SAS. This window system will use in inspection examination and output the examination report. It is accomplish to clinical, teach, study and application in TCM field.
關鍵字:TCM;Inspection diagnosis;inspection parameter data standard