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CCMP94-RD-005 以免疫親和管純化及液相層析法檢測中藥材內赭麴毒素A

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:94-02-06
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


赭麴毒素A(Ochratoxin A)是由赭麴黴菌和青黴菌所產生的,常分布污染了糧食和動物飼料,是一種很強的腎毒性致癌物質並具有免疫特性。在許多國家中赭麴毒素A是引起腎病的原因之一。馬兜鈴酸是一種很強的腎毒性致癌物質已毫無疑慮並已遭禁用,然而在台灣所發生類似的中草藥腎病卻常無法檢驗出馬兜鈴酸。赭麴毒素引發腎衰竭,卻被誤認為馬兜鈴酸引起,最有名的例子就是發生在巴爾幹半島的流行性腎病,其腎臟病理特徵與中草藥腎病非常類似,然而後來有足夠的證據證實馬兜鈴酸非兇手而是食物發霉中的赭麴毒素引起的。 寶路乾狗糧引起狗隻急性腎衰竭而死亡令飼主驚恐不安,已被證實是為在泰國儲存槽中的玉米發霉而產生的赭麴毒素所引起的。然而在台灣,有太多的腎衰竭病患不知其病因為何,故對腎毒性物質的調查是必須的,了解致病原因且加以避免,才是保障台灣民眾健康的最佳方法。故本計畫之目的在於建立中藥材內赭麴毒素A的高效液相色譜檢測方法;並瞭解台灣地區中藥材內赭麴毒素A的污染狀況,檢測樣品包括疑似中草藥腎病患者所服食中藥及易發霉中藥材等20種。中藥製劑常用複方,其成分非常複雜,常會干擾指標成分的分析,所以樣品的前處理顯得格外重要,本研究將採免疫親和力分離管前處理樣品,評估其純化效果。再以高效液相儀分析中藥(材)中赭麴毒素的含量,期望建立指標成分赭麴毒素A的簡單、快速、靈敏的分析方法。

Determination of ochratoxin A in Chinese medicines by immunoaffinity column clean-up and high-performance liquid chromatography

Jeng-Shyan Deng
Asia University
Ochratoxin A (OTA) is produced by several species of the fungal genera Aspergillus and Penicillium. These fungi are ubiquitous and the potential for the contamination of food stuffs and animal feed is widespread. OTA has both antibiotic and toxic properties, the most important of which are its nephrotoxic, carcinogenic, and immunotoxic properties. It has been the cause of a nephropathy in many countries. Similarities between Chinese herbs nephropathy and Balkan endemic nephropathy have been described, including the association with urothelial carcinoma. Some evidence suggests that Balkan endemic nephropathy is an environmentally induced disease, related to exposure to fungal such as OTA. Some CHN patients failed to demonstrate the presence of aristolochic acid in the capsules taken by the patients in Taiwan. A correlation between certain questionable batches of Pedigree dog food manufactured in Thailand and numerous cases of kidney failure among dogs in Taiwan had been indirectly confirmed.
關鍵字:Ochratoxin A , immunoaffinity column, HPLC