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CCMP94-RD-014 虎杖大量繁殖及品質鑑定之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:94-08-28
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


本土性藥用植物長期以來,在人們大量的搜訪,採擷下,使得族群與分布日漸萎縮,而形成稀有植物。當植物繁殖能力,追不上人類的需求,自然數目便日益減少,更形珍貴。近年來由於人類身體的健康受病菌、病毒的威脅,加上藥物濫用,國內外學者逐漸重視從天然物中尋找解決之道。「虎杖」是蓼科植物虎杖( Polygonum cuspidatum SIEB. et ZUCC.)的乾燥根莖和根,為中醫臨床上風濕痺痛、跌打損傷之常用中藥,性味苦寒,其所含化學成分有大黃素、大黃素甲醚等類化合物及白藜蘆醇等活性成分,現代藥理學研究亦顯示具有顯著的鎮咳、降壓、抗菌、抗病毒、降血脂及抑制血小板凝集等作用,其甚具經濟價值。為了開發虎杖藥材的資源利用及品質穩定,利用組織及細胞培養可有效的進行資源保護及快速繁殖珍稀藥用植物,故希望藉由植物組織培養具有育種及大量繁殖之功能,利用植物組織培養技術,可短時間內獲得大量繁殖的植物,是取代傳統育種,提昇虎杖品質的良好方法,並快速生產虎杖之二次代謝產物,對中藥的現代化與新藥開發有所貢獻。

Studies on the clonal propagation and evaluation of the quality of Polygonum cuspidatum SIEB. et ZUCC.

Fu-Shin Chueh
Asia University
Native country for a long time , in to search and visit a large amount of people medical plant, pick, make the ethnicity shrink with distributed day by day, and form the scarce plant. Breeding ability in the plant, can not catch up with the human demand, the natural figure reduces day by day, it is precious to appear even more. The health in the human health of cause receives the threats of the germ, virus in recent years, in addition, the medicine is abused, the domestic and international scholar pays attention to looking for the solution from the natural thing gradually. Tigers cane is a tigers cane of subject plant of knotweed ( Polygonum cuspidatum SIEB. et ZUCC.) Dry for rhizome and the root, to Chinese medicine it is clinical windward numbness not wet ache, the traditional Chinese medicine not dailies of injuries from falls, fractures, contusions and strains, it is bitter and cold, its chemistry component has rhubarb plain, plain first ether of rhubarb, etc.. Active composition, such as one kind of chemical compounds and white black false hellebore alcohol, etc., study and also show that has function, such as apparent town coughing, stepping down, antibiotic, antivirus, lowering the fat of blood and suppressing the blood platelet agglutinant, etc. in modern pharmacology, it very has economic worth.
關鍵字:Polygonum cuspidatum, plant tissue culture, emodin