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CCMP94-RD-039 保育類藥材-熊膽替代藥品對小鼠藥理作用之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:94-11-01
  • 更新時間:109-02-18



The replacement of the conservative pharmaceutical medicine- bear bile on the pharmacologic function in mice

Chang-Chi Hsieh
China Medical University
Bear is one of the conservation animals, because of the population stress and land capacity, their survival faces the great problem. Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Health want to guidance and assistance the employment to use the replacement drug in traditional medication. Bear bile can anti-inflammtion, reduce bronchial construction and immunomodulation. The bile acid purify form bear bile containing ursodeoxycholic acid, chenodexoycholic acid, deoxycholic acid and cholic acid can reduce gallstone, treatment of cholestatic liver diseases. They are used for two purposes. The first is to correct a deficiency in bile acids because of defective biosynthesis or intestinal conservation and thereby to restore bile acid function. This rationale may be termed replacement therapy. The second is to alter the composition of circulating bile acids and thereby to modulate cholesterol metabolism and/or decrease the cytotoxicity of the circulating bile acid pool. In this study, we want to use rabbit bile to be the replacement drug of bear bile in these effects
關鍵字:wild animal conservation;bear bile;immunomodulation;anti-inflammation;bronchial construction