從細胞激素之調控來看,過敏性鼻炎呈現Th2細胞增多的趨勢,Th2所分泌的細胞激素中IL-4能抑制Th1活性,刺激B細胞產生IgE,刺激肥大細胞生長、發育、誘導血管內皮細胞VCAM-1表現及嗜酸性白血球過多症,相對的,Th1細胞-細胞激素INF-γ對Th2細胞具負迴饋反應。調節Th1/Th2細胞的平衡以使Th2比例減少而Th1比例增加,被認為是治療Th2細胞產生的過敏疾病,因而Th1/Th2免疫調節劑之發展乃為近年來研究對過敏性鼻炎預防與治療之重點之一,免疫療法即是將Th2反應轉向Th1反應,經由其他途徑之免疫療法曾被研究過,經由口腔途徑投與者並沒有成功,因此尋找Th1/Th2細胞平衡的口服藥物是值得開發的方向,抗敏合方(小柴胡湯、逍遙散、六味地黃丸加減),是中醫臨床治療過敏性鼻炎具明顯療效方劑之一,尤其適合台灣地區過敏性鼻炎證型,但對其詳細之臨床療效評估,與其免疫調節機轉探討一直闕如,本研究團隊曾探討養陰克敏方對過敏性氣喘患者之免疫調節作用及小青龍湯對過敏性鼻炎之臨床療效評估。本研究擬探討抗敏合方對過敏性鼻炎患者臨床症狀、鼻氣流阻力、鼻腔內空間血清中IgE、過敏原特異性IgE,過敏原特異性IgG4及細胞激素(IL-4、IL-5、IL-12、INF-γ) 之影響,尋找更好的治療方劑。
Clinical Evaluation of Kang-Min-He-Fang in the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis
Tai Chih Jaan
China Medical University
Allergic rhinitis is a common disease that is estimated to affect nearly one tenth of the U.S. population. It is caused by cascade of inflammatory mediators, initiated after contact of the nasopharynx with allergens such as grass, tree pollen, and animal dander. The disease is characterized by chronic nasal symptoms of obstruction, rhinorrhea, sneezing, and itching. Components of inhaled dust, such as mites and molds, or animal dander cause an imtranasal IgE-mediated response in atopic individuals. These perennial allergens active mast cells induce the release of potent chemical medicators that attract inflammatory cells such as eosinophils and basophils, and ultimately produce the signs and symptoms of allergic rhinitis.
There are detailed descriptions of the clinical experiences and prescriptions of allergic rhinitis in traditional Chinese medicine. Kang-Min-He-Fang (KMHF) is one of the Chinese herbal medicines used to treat allergic rhinitis . In this study we will evaluate t
關鍵字:allergic rhinitis, Kang-Min-He-Fang (KMHF)