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CCMP93-RD-005 應用專一高效能之人類白血球功能檢驗法評估具抗發炎及免疫增強作用之中草藥並以動物試驗確認藥效

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:98-06-26
  • 更新時間:106-06-13


應用人類白血球於試管實驗評估具抗發炎/抗氧化之中草藥包括(壹)清熱燥濕解毒類:如黃芩、黃連、黃柏、穿心蓮、胡黃連等。(貳)袪風濕類:如青風藤。(參)本所研究員特別提供研發類:白英(Solanum lyratum)、乳藤(Ecdysanthera utilitis)、牛樟芝(Antrodia. camphorata)、香山芝、紫衫薄孔菌、異形薄孔菌、蘋果薄孔菌等。(肆)研究具抗發炎中藥之純成份:如baicalein (黃芩)、berberin (黃連)、quercetin、taxifolin、tetrandrine(防己)、sinomenin (青風藤)、andrographolide (穿心蓮)、apocynin (胡黃連)等植物性抗氧化/抗發炎劑做比對。研究有無可能具抗發炎之中藥單味藥或複方在臨床上有潛力發展為「組織缺氧再灌注傷害(ischemia-reperfusional injury; IR injury)之保護劑」。如能以藥物預防或治療如心肌梗塞(MI)、中風(stroke)、IR-相關之系統性發炎(e.g., ARDS、MODS)等疾病,必可減少病人疾病發生率和發病後的嚴重度。此一計畫在建立人類白血球為專一快速細胞實驗,能有效篩選出具研究開發潛力之中草藥,將來以動物模型找出可能的治療藥物確認其療效。
1-2探討前述中(草)藥、天然物或抗氧化劑等可否抑制體外人類嗜中性球(PMN)/單核球(MNC)之活化,包括其活性氧自由基(reactive oxygen species; ROS)之產生、緊密黏著(firm adhesion)、黏著分子(Mac-1)等專一之細胞發炎實驗模式。

Evaluation and mechanism(s) studies of the principles or extracts isolated from traditional Chinese medicine for the anti-inflammatory and immuno-modulating potential by specific and high performance cellular and animal model

Yuh-Chiang Shen
National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine
Evaluation and mechanism(s) studies of the principles or extracts isolated from traditional Chinese medicine for the anti-inflammatory and immuno-modulating potential by specific and high performance cellular and animal model
Recent review articles indicate that most prevalent diseases including atherosclerosis, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, sepsis, multiple sclerosis, or even cancer are closely associated with inflammation. Inflammation, if out of control, will trigger complex immuno-responses that may lead to severe tissue damage and major organ failure and death, and will be hard to be resolved by using simple anti-inflammatory treatment. Therefore, many investigators devote themselves to searching potential anti-inflammatory and immuno-modulating drugs, including crude extracts or even pure principles, from natural products or alternative medicine, e.g., traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for the treatment of diseases mentioned above. We have studied the acute inflammatory resp
關鍵字:anti-inflammation,immuno-modulation,Antrodia camphorata,leukocytes,reactive oxygene species,firm adhesion,calcium influx