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CCMP93-RD-031 台灣中醫藥學術期刊引用文獻資料庫建置可行性之評估研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:101-03-15
  • 更新時間:106-06-12


近年來,全世界的學術研究氣氛蓬勃發展,論文發表量亦迅速增加,為進一步評估世界各國學術研究水準動態及發展,逐有重要學術研究指標SCI的產生。SCI之學術資料庫,主要在提供高品質之學術資訊,為最著名的引用文獻資料庫,是學術研究常用的工具。 理想之中醫藥引用文獻具備下列幾種功能:其一可作為中醫藥資訊檢索工具,其二可作為中醫藥管理與績效評估指標,其三可作為掌握中醫藥發展歷史工具。鑑於引用文獻分析對於中醫藥研究發展的重要性,俾益於行政院衛生署中醫藥委員會所推動的各項中醫藥發展活動,且美國SCI資料庫收錄中醫藥相關科技期刊數量太少,無法作為我國中醫藥研究發展指標的參考依據,故而進行此研究計畫,以探討並評估建立我國中醫藥學術期刊引用文獻資料庫原型之可行性,並根據其中資料再做統計,做為將來建置屬於中醫藥SCI資料庫之先導計劃 ,分析我國中醫藥學術期刊論文被引用情形供國人參考。 美國科學資訊所(ICI:information science institute)成功地將引用文獻分析法應用在Science Citation Index(簡稱SCI),Social Science Citation Index(簡稱SSCI)、Arts and Humanities Citation Index(簡稱AHCI)及Journal Citation Report(簡稱JCR)等資料庫的建置,並提供讀者重要與有效的資訊檢索工具,此法遂成為分析統計科技文獻上廣為應用的重要研究方法,為本研究計畫所採用。

The accessment of possibility for Chinese medicine Science Citation Index in Taiwan

shin-lieh Lin
Chang-Gung Memirial Hospital
As the development of the academic study,the amount of published journal is increasing.For evaluation of the level of progressing research,the SCI become the standard to judge the class of Research. SCI is the famous citation index and tool to provide high quality of science information.Ideal Chinese medicine Citation indexing is a simple solution to the semantic, intellectual and economic problems of traditional subject-term indexing. Embedded with articles from all disciplines, it provides more than just an integrated view of the Chinese medicine scientific literatures. It also serves as a search tool, an assessment indicator and a record of the technical history. The relevant Chinese medicine information induced can be very critical to future strategies. A national Chinese medicine science citation index is thus necessary. The Taiwan Science Citation Index (TSCI) is a project led by the Science and Technology Information Center(STIC). All the design of this study is on the fr
關鍵字:SCI, Science Citation index,chinese medicine,SCI analysis