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CCMP93-RD-058 新一代自動化診斷脈診儀開發與研究-多通道脈波處理技術於脈診平台實現

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:93-01-02
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


為整合型計畫“新一代自動化診斷脈診儀開發與研究”中之子計畫(五),而子計畫(五)主要是針對類比式多通道脈波處理技術於脈診平台實現。本子計畫的重點內容有:(1)多通道脈波信號擷取平台實現(硬體與整合),(2)多通道脈波信號濾波與A/D驅動程式設計,(3)多通道脈波信號時/頻域分析(軟體),(4)界面電路設計。以下就分別依(A)硬體電路實現與(B)軟體分析程式進行說明。(A) 硬體電路實現: 1. 紅外線感測器單通道訊號擷取電路。2. 各種感測器及配合多通道做取樣及數位類比轉換電路。3. 可攜式分析平台電路。4. 脈診儀感測器的選用。 (B) 軟體分析程式:1. Visual Basic與Matlab程式之撰寫。2. 現有脈波數位資料之分析程式。3. 各週邊間之軟體整合及撰寫分析軟體。4. 修正可攜式平台軟體的穩定性。5. 配合自製脈診儀感測器做軟體整合與修正。最後,要強調的是本計畫的技術核心,兼併傳統脈波信號時/頻域探討研究外,並著重在脈波信號定位與實現,以結合另外二個子計畫,設計出一具有客觀測量的脈診儀系統,再配合臨床疾病診斷與脈象分析,使脈診儀具備自動診斷功能與人性化之人機界面。

Multi-Channel Signal Processing Technology for the New Generation Automatic Sphygmograph

Hsien Tsai Wu
Southern Taiwan University of Technology
As the third part of the integrated project “Development and Research of the New Generation Automatic Sphygmography”, subproject Ⅴ will focus on the time/frequency domain of analog Multi-Channel Signal Processing Technology for the New Generation Automatic Sphygmography.The gist of subproject V is (1) realization of multi-channel pulse wave signals (hardware and integration); (2) design of multi-channel pulse wave filter and A/D driver programming; (3) the time/frequency domain of multi-channel pulse wave signals analysis (software); and (4) interface circuit design. Here is a description of (A) hardware circuit realization and (B) software analysis program. (A) Hardware circuit realization1.Infrared detector single-channel signal capturing circuit.2.Various sensors, multi-channel sampling, and A\D converter circuit.3.Production of the sphygmography prototype.4. Pulse diagnoster sensor preliminary fabrication. (B) Software analysis program1.Analysis program of wirte used to Visual
關鍵字:automatic pulse diagnoster, multi-channel pulse wave signal, time/frequency domain analysis