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CCMP92-RD-108 中藥藥膠布及藥酒製劑之成分分析及其釋出效應之研究(3-3)-中藥藥膠布製劑之基原鑑定及品質管制研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:92-08-26
  • 更新時間:109-04-06



Studies on the component and the effect of release of marker component in plaster formulas and tonic wine formulas.(3-3)-Studies on the original identification and the quality control in plaster formulas

Shiow-Chyn Huang
Chia Nan University of Pharmacy & Science
One kind of patch formula,Ju-Yi-Ging-Huang San, have been chosen as the model formulation in third years proposal. Every crud drugs in the formula will identified by tissue anatomy and the TLC spectrum of the chemical maekers.The formula of patch will be extracted using sesame oil,ethanol,50% ethanol and water,respective- ly,and will choose the best effective extractioon solvent for the manufactured.We will estabilish the methods of TLC to determine the chemical markers in the patch formula product. The results may used as a reference and quality control for setting standards of tranditional Chine- se medicine patches.
關鍵字:Tranditional plaster;Original identification;Quality control