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CCMP92-RD-018 針灸專科醫師制度規劃

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:92-08-26
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


專科醫師醫師之制度由來已久,目前醫學上已分別有許多專科醫師的設置,其目的無外乎分科,由專門的人員訓練,一直充實醫師之學術醫術,期能發揮最佳之醫術服務人群。 於中醫的領域,針灸已有數年的歷史,有其特殊之治療背景、方式與考量。為了充實從事針灸治療醫師的醫術,與針灸醫師的醫術之充實、再進步,實有實施針灸專科醫師之必要。此研究斟對針灸專科醫師訓練醫院認定標準,針灸專科醫師訓練課程摘要等的規劃。

The plan for system of particular course for acupuncture

Yan-Nian Chen
Chinese medical association of acupuncture CMAA
The system of particular course of medicine for a long time, up to now already a lot of particular course of medicine. The purpose for each majoring in different field of studies, is training by specialist, hope can increase doctor? It can learning and medical skill. And doctors can have best treatment for patients. In Chinese fields, acupuncture has many years history. It has special treating background and thinking manner. For the purpose of increasing medical skill of acupuncture and doctors medical skill and learning, it necessary for the particular course of medicine for acupuncture.This study major on conclude standard of training hospital of particular course for acupuncture and training curriculum epitome of particular course for acupuncture.
關鍵字:Particular course for acupuncture;Training hospital of particular course for acupuncture;Training curriculum’s epitome of particular course for acupuncture