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CCMP92-RD-006 利用活體外及活體內試驗分析黃芩甘對鏈球菌的抗菌活性

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:92-08-26
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


由於多年來抗生素(antibiotics)的過度濫用,導致抗藥性菌株不斷急遽增加,這不僅延誤病人治癒時間,甚或威脅到病人生命,而且也造成了許多醫療資源的浪費,繼而大大提高了整個社會成本,可說是全球人類的一大危機。因此尋求新的抗微生物物質或發展新的感染治療對策,實在是刻不容緩的事。 黃芩(Huangqin)因具有瀉火解熱、止血安胎、消炎抗菌等多方面療效,長久以來一直是中醫普遍使用的藥材,尤其因其具廣譜的抗菌作用,近年來更是受到各學者專家的高度重視。已知黃芩含五種黃酮類(flavonoid)成分,其中黃芩苷(baicalin)及其水解產物黃芩苷元(baicalein)乃為主效成分。二者不但對近年來最令人感到棘手的human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)及其他多種感染病原有抑制作用,baicalin更具有恢復β-lactam類抗生素對抗抗藥性菌株之活性的潛能。 目前Streptococcus pneumoniae、group A streptococci (GAS)及enterococci產生抗藥性菌株的情形非常嚴重,有些菌株甚且發展為multi-drug resistant。有鑒於baicalin在抗生素治療方面具有上述之發展潛力,本研究計劃將利用in vitro及in vivo試驗分析其對S. pneumoniae、GAS及enterococci等菌的抑制效果,以及與其他抗生素合併使用後是否具協同作用(synergy),以評估應用baicalin於合併療法以治療streptococci感染之可行性。

In vitro and in vivo antimicrobial activities of baicalin against streptococci

Chuang, Yin-Ching
Chi-Mei hospital
he emergence of bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a global problem. Recent multicenter nosocomial surveillance studies in the US have demonstrated that 18 to 20 % of enterococcal blood stream isolates were resistant to vancomycin. Medicinal plants have long been utilized as a source of therpeutic agents in the world. In recent years there has been an intensive search for substances with considerable antimicrobial properties.Scutellariae Radix, the root of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi (Labiatae), used in combination with other herbs in oriental medicines, currently one of the most commonly used Chinese herbs, has been used systemically and topically for thousands of year for many diseases including wide range of infectious diseases such as respiratory infections, pneumonia, scarlet fever, jaudice, hepatitis, and dysentery. The main chemical component is Baicalin, a glucuronide, which can be hydrolyzed into Baicalein - a flavonoid - and glucuronic acid. Baicalin and its agylycone,