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CMP91-RD-004 中醫婦科臨床治療共識手冊之編寫

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:91-08-26
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


中醫醫書從靈素之後,醫書甚多,臨床上對病症之處置,各家說法眾多,採取的處理方式也不盡相同,沒有遵循之依據,國內中醫目前尚未有一套完整的中醫婦科臨床手冊,提供中醫師執業參考及遵循的依據,無法確保好的中醫婦科醫療品質。全民健康保險之實行為我國推行社會福利政策的一個重要里程,中醫自從中央健保局在89年7月起實施總額預算制之後,中醫婦科之全民健康保險醫療費用申報以及全民健康保險醫療費用審查,至今仍未有具可信度高的參考依據。 為了提高病患就診中醫婦科之醫療服務品質,及讓病患有知的權益。衛生署中醫藥委員會議決:中醫婦科應有臨床治療之專書,提供中醫婦科醫師臨床診療查閱,及中央健康保險局中醫婦科醫療審查作業之共同規範之參考。本研究以歷代重要中醫婦科典藉、文獻、大陸高等中醫院校教材及參考國內外及大陸各專家學者之臨床經驗叢書,與臨床研究報告。將臨床常見之中醫婦科病症,依嚴謹而有系統的研究方法,對應國際疾病分類,編寫臨床常見之中醫婦科病症分析及處置,經專家學者共同審定及醫學院校教授之審查,進行撰寫「中醫婦科臨床治療共識手冊」。

Clinical Guide for Traditional Chinese Medicine Gynecological Therapeutics

Jung-Nien Lai
Taipei Municipal Yang-Ming Hospital
Traditional Chinese Medicine Gynecology having a systematic theory as guidance for its practice, and include various branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine Gynecological Therapeutics which according to relevant literatures originated from the long developing history. Nevertheless, Chinese medicine offers different approaches, and treatments are lacking in objective demonstrations of efficacy, also not yet standardized. Since July 2000, the National lnsurance Bureau has been operating Chinese outpatients services on a budget system. In order to enhance the quality of Traditional Chinese Medicine Gynecology and ensure that patients have clearly defined rights, it would be useful to have a clinical guidebook for Traditional Chinese Medicine Gynecology that would serve as a general reference for the public and as the basis for the National lnsurance Bureaus work of monitoring and controlling services provided. The present study is based mainly on Traditional Chinese Medicine Gynecologic
關鍵字:ICD-9-CM,Traditional Chinese Medicine,Gynecological Therapeutics