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CCMP91-RD-118 市售硃砂之成分分析,毒性及安全劑量之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:91-08-26
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


我們過去三年的研究結果顯示:HgS(硃砂的主要成分)的吸收及神經毒性在我們的實驗條件內,僅約為大家熟知的劇毒甲基汞的一千分之一,雖然已盡力,也寫了五篇論文,可是在研究的本質是永無止境的,愈研究,發現愈多的重要問題留待解決。因此本年度的計劃重點著重於市售硃砂之成份分析,毒性及安全劑量的研究。我們首先以ICP分析市售硃砂的成分後,再擬以低劑量(10mg/kg/day P.O.)的水飛硃砂給予小白鼠十天、二十天及三十天或更久(依照產生的作用再作決定),試驗硃砂對小白鼠的鎮靜安神的效用(活動力、安靜不活動期、跳躍次數,及對pentobarbital睡眠期延長效率)及產生毒性(耳毒性-聽力誘發腦幹訊息傳遞機制,旋轉輪平衡運動效率,組織顯微構造的傷害、組織酵素、NO synthase, Na+-K+-ATPase活性的改變),這些藥理作用及毒性的改變,並與各相關組織的汞含量比較研究,以確定它們的因果關係。期能綜合歸納出市售硃砂的毒性及安全劑量。另外,我們也計劃另一組小白鼠同時給予HgCl2(輕粉的主要成份,為一般人熟知的劇毒),在低劑量(0.1mg/kg/day P.O.)及不同時期與硃砂組一起比較它們的藥理作用及毒性的效價。本研究使用HgCl2代替以前實驗所用的甲基汞的原因是:我們論文投稿時,有一位審查委員認為HgS是無機汞形式,與無機汞HgCl2互相比較更合適。

Elements analysis,toxic effects and safety margin of the commercial cinnabar

Shoei-Yn Lin-Shiau
Institute of Toxicology, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University
In our previous studies,the absorption and neurotoxic effects HgS(the main component of cinnabar)are estimated to be approximately one fifth to one thousandth of those produced by methylmercury(MeHg)Although we have focused our effort on the investigation of the action mechanisms of various pharmacological effects of HgS and finished in writing five papers three of them have been published, we were not satisfied with this accomplishment.Instead,from these studies,we have raised several important questions needed for further investigation?CAmong them?Awe are anxious to know whether the clinically used cinnabar purified by the rotatory water spray method the process to remove the toxic components from the cinnabar ores? exerts pharmacological effects similar to HgS. Aespecially at low dose and prolonged administration period?CIn order to clarify this important problem,we plan in this research project to administer low dose of 10mg/Kg/day in the range of the suggestive adult dose clinical
關鍵字:Water purifed cinnabar, Low-dose,Sedation,Toxicity,NO,Na-K ATPase