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CCMP91-RD-107 中醫舌診標準化之研究(3-2) —特定疾病舌苔判讀標準化之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:91-08-26
  • 更新時間:109-04-06

中醫舌診標準化之研究(3-2) —特定疾病舌苔判讀標準化之研究

中醫舌診以舌質及舌苔的變化為主要診斷項目,是臨床辨證的一種重要指標,但傳統作業過程為醫師主觀的判斷,而缺乏客觀標準,不易進行精確的測量與驗證。而本研究計畫之目的,在於延續上一年的計劃,建立中醫診斷學舌診中的舌苔量化分析及判讀標準,藉由由中國醫藥學院附設醫院與長庚紀念醫院中西醫門診之病患中以糖尿病或骨質疏鬆或慢性肝炎為研究對象,以歸納出舌苔性質如苔的有根無根、苔的偏全、苔的剝脫等進行分析的特徵,並訂出判讀標準。由中國醫藥學院附設醫院與長庚紀念醫院中西醫門診之病患中為糖尿病或骨質疏鬆或慢性肝炎為篩選研究對象,先由門診醫師初步篩選,初步判定符合條件者,轉介至中醫藥臨床試驗中心,若確立診斷符合條件者則納入研究對象。納入本研究的患者除了詢問基本資料表、中醫體質問卷表外,並進行舌象攝影及舌診判讀。 舌診之影像由經由教學醫院三位臨床五年以上之中醫師分別判讀,若一致則交由舌診中醫資深專家討論,若有爭議則召開資深中醫舌診專家會議來決定,最後定案之影像資料經轉換後以數據化資料呈現,將其結果儲存並建立舌診資料庫。 經本研究我們期待能得到中醫舌診中舌苔的基本資料庫,並進一步建立基本舌苔的診斷標準。並建立教學與推廣現代化舌診系統及培養舌診及中醫研究人才。

Standardized Tongue Diagnosis(3-2)-Quantitive Study and to Standardized Reading of Tongue-Diagnosis about the coating of tongue in the special disease

Chen jen jun
China Mediacal College Hospital
The purpose of this study is to establish an objective diagnostic system for tongue-diagnosis in Chinese-medicine practice, by analyzing the relationship between tongue image and the coating of tongue. We also design a questionnaire to evaluate the relationship bewteen some selected herb that are prescribed in Chinese medicine practice and tongue image. The study subjects will be selected from the Department of Chinese Medicine, Health Center of Chinese Medical College hospital. We will establish the color of tongue coating ,the thin of tongue coating of each subjects and according to their readings, assign them into tow groups with 240 patients in each group. When the patients are recruited, a standerized interview by a structured questionnaire will be carried out by trained interviewers and a photography of tongue will be arranged.Tongue image will be taken under controlled condition., tongue examination device, standard color-temperature light, standard color path will be
關鍵字:Diagnosis in Chinese medicine, Bian-Zheng, Tongue diagnosis, Image analysis, The coating of tongue