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CCMP91-RD-103 常見疾病中醫證型診斷基準(3-2)-慢性B型肝炎中醫證型診斷基準研究 CCMP91-RD-103 常見疾病中醫證型診斷基準(3-2)-慢性B型肝炎中醫證型診斷基準研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:91-08-26
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


關鍵字:中醫診斷 ,辨證 ,B型肝炎

The study of diagnostic standards of Chinese medical patterns on diseases-The research of the criteria of Chinese Medical diagnosis of Chronic Hepatitis B

Hung-jen Lin
Department of Chinese Medicine,China Medical College Hospital
We cannot find the term “hepatitis” in the classical Chinese medicine books. And the hepatitis we can classify to “Jaundice” or “hypochondrium pain”. However the Chinese medicine diagnostic system depend on “four diagnostic methods” and ”eight principles”
Nowadays Chinese medicine doctor get experience from ancient books and clinical practice. Their experiences are not exactly the same with the clinical journals. Therefore when we go into the clinical studies, the first thing we should do is to establish a same Chinese diagnostic pattern.
The aim of this research is to set up the criteria of Chinese Medicine diagnosis of Chronic Hepatitis B, including: diagnostic pattern、score and other criteria such as pulse inspection、tongue inspection、experimental test .
The project of this year collected ancient books and journals, then the first questionnaire have been done which included patients’ basic database、Symptom-to-syndrome questionnaire 、pulse inspection and tongue ins
關鍵字:Hepatitis B,Chinese Diagnosis,Distinguish pattern