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CCMP91-RD-014 麝香替代品之成分分析與安全性評估

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:91-08-26
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


麝香是採自麝鹿之雄性麝香腺,係一種重要的中藥材,亦為名貴之香水原料。由於以往大都採取殺鹿取材的方式,導致麝鹿瀕於絕種目前已被列入保育動物,因此在未能發展出更好的取材方式前,有必要研發麝香的替代品。取自北美巨水鼠(Myocastor coypus)的腺體已在不少台灣民間充當麝香替代品,因此本計畫擬評估其安全性及分析其成分,以初步探討北美巨水鼠腺體替代麝香之可能性。本計畫將首先研究北美巨水鼠腺體成分之抽提方法,繼之利用氣相-質譜(GC-MS)連結技術分析其揮發性成分,藉由與揮發性成分GC-MS資料庫之比對鑑別其成分。再發展非揮發性成分之適當液相層析法,接著利用液相層析-質譜(LC-MS)連結技術瞭解這些成分之質譜特性;並進一步運用液相層析-核磁共振(LC-NMR)連結技術來確認已知成分之結構及並解析新成分之結構。在安全性評估方面,本計畫將進行北美巨水鼠腺體之動物毒性試驗,含單一劑量急毒性及重覆劑量亞急毒性,以及基因毒性試驗。本計畫完成後將可鑑定北美巨水鼠腺體大部分揮發性成分及主要非揮發性成分之結構,碓定北美巨水鼠腺體之動物毒性。此結果將可初步評估北美巨水鼠腺體替代麝香之可能性。

Chemical Analysis and Safety Assessment of Musk substitute

Shoei-Sheng Lee
School of Pharmacy, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University
Musk, a strong-smelling substance produced in glands by male musk deer, is an important crude drug in Traditional Chinese Medicine and is used in the manufacture of perfume. Traditionally, the gland was picked after killing the male deer. The wide use of this substance has made this animal near the edge of extinction. Hence before the improvement of picking technique (without sacrificing the deer), it is essential to find a substitute for the same or similar use. The gland from nutria (Myocastor coypus) has been used as a musk substitute in some Taiwan areas. To assess the safety and clarify the chemical ingredients of nutria gland, we propose this project. The first part of this study is to develop a suitable extraction method of nutria gland. The volatility of the mixture will be examined. The second part is to analyze the ingredients. For the volatile constituents, GC-MS coupled technique will be applied. The chromatogram and mass fragmentation of each compound will be verified by c
關鍵字:Nutria gland, Chemical analysis, Safety Assessment