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CCMP91-RD-013 台灣加入WTO對中醫界之衝擊評估

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:91-08-26
  • 更新時間:112-08-08



Assessment of WTO Impact on Traditional Chinese Medicine in Taiwan

Chang-Chuan Chan
National Taiwan University
SSince Taiwan, as TPKM, become one member of World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2002, there will be many international agreements and legal harmonization related to the developments of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Taiwan to be negotiated. In order to understand (1) Whether Taiwan’s TCM is robust enough to meet the competition challenges of foreign practitioners to perform TCM services domestically and abroad? (2) Whether the Taiwan’s TCM certification system id sounds enough to face the pressure of foreign practitioners who want to enter Taiwanese market? If not, what measures should be adopted in advance? (3) What are the strategies adopted by the Taiwan’s neighboring countries to meet the WTO’s challenges on TCM or alternative medicine (AM). This study will first collect information comprehensively to evaluate the scope and depth of Taiwan’s TCM. We will then inquire trends and framework of TCM and AM developments in WTO and WHO and obtain China’s strategy of TCM develo
關鍵字:WTO;Chinese Medicine;Alternative Mendicine