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CCMP91-RD-010 中藥膠布對上肢肌腱炎之療效評估

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:91-08-26
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


台灣中藥膠布產業發展空間寬廣,但一直未見良好之臨床評估模式出現。本研究目的在探討對於上肢肌腱炎(網球肘)之急慢性發作,以中藥膠布劑(萬應膏)或西藥膠布劑(Indomethacin)對於上肢肌腱炎進行療效評估,以了解其療效。並比較對其產生不良反應之情形,以了解其貼膚之安全性。藉以建立中藥膠布劑之臨床評估模式,作為將來臨床之參考。 本研究從91年1月1日至91年12月31日,預計納入60位上肢肌腱炎患者,隨機分為二組(1)萬應膏(2)Indomethacin。將經確認為上肢肌腱炎之患者,以膠布劑或軟膏治療二週,每組預計納入30人,完成至少50例有效病案。藥效評估包括:(一)疼痛評估及(二)藥物不良反應。本研究之疼痛評分係採用VAS法,經統計分析,比較兩組療效之差異。

The therapeutic effects of paster formulas on upper extremities tendinitis

Hen-Hong Chang
Chang-gung memorial hospital
RSI and CTD are often been described as the musculoskeletal disorder associated with occupation. Sometimes, Tennis elbow or de Quervains disease is often used to describe the condition of musculoskeletal pain. Those are often considered as occupational musculoskeletal diseases.They are troublesome and easily recurrent conditions. Those conditions often seriously affect patients?? quality of life and working efficiency, and cost the productivity of industries. Our study are using those patients with tendinitis of upper extremities who are most affected by RSI and CTD as study object. Most of Taiwanese and Japanese can accept medical patch that contain Chinese medicine. Quantity of medical patch used by Japanese is three times more than Taiwanese and most are used for pain relief. For Taiwans market, the most often used Chinese medical paster is Wan Yin gel. Most of medical patch use for western medicine contained Indomethacin. This study will conduct from 91/1/1 to 91/12/31. It esti
關鍵字:de Quervain’s disease,paster furmulus,indomethacin