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CCMP91-RD-008 國內市售中藥材燻硫磺情況之調查研究(Ⅱ)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:91-08-26
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


中藥材在貯存加工過程中常發生蟲蛀、發霉或變色等質變現象,中藥業者因此常施以燻硫磺之加工,以保存藥材,唯燻硫磺後其硫磺或硫化物殘留量是否過量或危害人體,值得重視。 本研究上年度調查台灣各地市售中藥材燻硫磺情形之現況,實地訪察中藥材之燻硫磺加工,並以中醫藥委員會所列優先管制之六味地黃丸、加味逍遙散之組成藥物為對象,並加上中藥業者較常進行燻硫磺之藥材山茱萸、山藥、白朮、白芍、白果、地黃、乾薑、羌活、茯苓、藕節、葛根、桑白皮、獨活、梔子、柴胡、當歸、甘草、黃耆、晉耆、澤瀉、牡丹皮、栝樓根等二十二種,在台灣地區北、中、南各地收集上述藥材檢品各10個進行硫磺煙燻殘留物檢驗。今年度則以中醫藥委員會所列優先管制之骨碎補、薄荷、生薑、枳實、虎杖、敗醬草、紫草、?本、金銀花、桔梗、半夏、蓮子、百部、白參、附子、沙參、山慈姑、三稜、商陸、石菖蒲、肉豆蔻、牛膝、薏苡仁、赤芍、川芎、天南星、板藍根、杏仁、黃連等廿九種藥材,再加上枸杞子、紅棗、酸棗仁、土茯苓等四種藥材,合計三十三種藥材進行燻硫磺情況之調查及其硫磺殘留量檢測,並自訂燻硫磺廚櫃,比較不同儲藏條件對硫磺殘留量之影響,以瞭解目前國內常用藥材燻硫磺情況,並建議訂出合理之硫磺殘留量標準,以為中藥藥政施政參考,進而提昇藥效及中藥品質,確保國人用藥安全。

Investigation of Sulfur Fumigating Processing of Chinese Crude Drugs in Taiwan (II)

Yuan-Shiun Chang, Yu-Ling Ho, Shu-Hua Wang, Kuo-Ching Kao, Chun-Chuan Chen
Institute of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences China Medical College
Chinese crude drugs often suffer deterioration due to insect pest, mold or discolor. People often use sulfur fumigating methods to prevent and solve the problem. However, the sulfur residue remained in the crude drugs may do harm to the human health, therefore, a survey of the current situation of sulfur fumigating processing is necessary.In the second year project, we will investigate the current statue of sulfur fumigating processing in Taiwan. We will visit the drug stores which practice sulfur fumigating processing. Ten specimen of each of the 33 crude drugs which were listed as priority for quality control in the current year and commonly fumigating with sulfur will be collected from various part of Taiwan for sulfur residue examination.The crude drugs examined last year were listed below: Corni Fructus, Dioscoreae Rhizoma, Atractylodis Rhizoma, Paeoniae Radix, Ginkgo Semen, Rehmanniae Radix, Zingiberis Rhizoma, Notopterygii Rhizoma, Poria, Nelumbinis Stamen, Puerariae Radix, Mori
關鍵字:Chinese Crude Drugs,Sulfur Fumigating,Sulfur Dioxide,Sulfur Residue