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CCMP88-RD-012 中醫聞診現代化研究(三)--陽虛患者之語音分析

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:88-08-28
  • 更新時間:109-04-06







Modernization of listening examination in Chinese Medicine (III) –Analysis of Yang-vacuity voice

Hen-Hong Chang
Taipei city hospital of traditional Chinese Medicine

Auscultation using the patient’s voice changes for diagnosis is an essential issue in traditional Chinese medicine. However, its procedure fell short of objective standard, and it never underwent precise measurement and testing. This study, involving modern techniques of voice analysis, was applied to yang-vacuity patients in order to understand their microscopic auscultatory changes.

Forty yang-vacuity patients screened from our clinic of Chinese medical department were taken as the study group, while another 40 non-vacuity patients as control group. We recorded the vowel /a/ in one short note lasting about 1 second. By dividing the recorded voice utterance into 8 segments, we took the early, middle and late part of the sound wave from the voice utterance for analysis. That is, from the 1/8, 4/8 and 6/8 segments of the wave, each from peak of wave to about 200 msec, we defined them as B wave, M wave and E wave.

Primarily the result of that voice analysis in yang
關鍵字:auscultation voice analysis yang-vacuity