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CCMP87-RD-025 中藥對鱗狀上皮癌細胞之自泌作用的影響

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:87-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


本研究計畫的目的在探討鱗狀上皮癌細胞 (squamous cell carcinoma),尤其是鼻咽癌、食道癌和胃癌等細胞中有關介白素六號 (IL-6) 與介白素六號受體(IL-6R) 以及可溶性介白素二號受體 (sIL-2R) 之來源與意義。並研究中藥,例如瑞香科或大戟科植物,對此二類介白素及其受體所形成之細胞自泌作用 (autocrine) 的影響。病理上,鼻咽癌細胞周圍常有豐富的浸潤淋巴球 (tumor infiltrating lymphocytes, TIL),因此被稱為淋巴上皮癌 (lymphoepithelioma),而鼻咽癌患者血液中甲型可溶性二號介白素受體 (sIL-2Ra) 之滴度常隨著病情的嚴重性而增加。因為 sIL-2Ra 是抑制腫瘤附近免疫細胞活性的主要原因之一,探討 sIL-2Ra 之來源並辨識分泌此 IL-2R 之細胞因此變得非常重要。而同屬於鱗狀上皮癌的胃癌細胞卻有介白素六號與介白素六號受體的表現,外加之介白素六號更能促進癌細胞的生長。介白素六號與可溶性介白素二號受? 敿穧]的表現皆可受咐柏酯 (phorbol ester, TPA) 與丁酸 (butyric acid)的影響,而瑞香科或大戟科植物本身就含有高量的咐柏酯及丁酸。本研究首先在探討鼻咽癌細胞中 sIL-2Ra 之來源與意義,以及咐柏酯與丁酸對其基因表現的影響,進而探討胃癌細胞中介白素六號及其受體基因表? {的調控,且分析同屬於鱗狀上皮癌的食道癌細胞是否有類似之自泌作用,並研究含有咐柏酯及丁酸的瑞香科或大戟科植物抽取液對這些癌細胞的影響。

壹. 比較不同鼻咽癌、食道癌和胃癌癌細胞株中介白素六號、介白素六號受體與介白素二號受體的表現,此將以免疫染色法 (immunocytochemistry)、原位基因偵測法 (in situ hybridization) 和反轉錄酵素-聚合酵素鍊反應 (reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction, RT-P CR) 測定基因表現。
貳. 比較不同癌細胞介白素六號、介白素六號受體與介白素二號受體濃度的變化,尤其是咐柏酯、丁酸以及瑞香科或大戟科植物抽取液對其之影響,即細胞受刺激前後不同產量的變化。介白素六號、介白素六號受體和可溶性介白素二號受體將以酵素免疫吸附法 (ELISA) 和西方點墨法 (West ern blotting) 檢測,並以上述之法確定。
參. 比較中和性抗體,如介白素六號或介白素六號受體之抗體,對癌細胞生長之影響。細胞生長將以酸性磷酸酵素反應 (Acid phosphatase assay) 測訂。


The effect of Chinese herb on the autocrine cell growth regulation of squamous cell carcinoma

Kuan-Chin Chow 
Veterans General Hospital Taipei
This proposal is to study the source and the significance of interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-6 receptor (IL-6R) and soluble interleukin-2 receptor alpha (sIL-2Ra) in the squamous cell carcinoma, i.e., nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC), e sophageal cancer and gastric cancer. The effect of Chinese herb, Euphorbiaceae or Thymelaeaeeae, on the autocrine cell growth regulation of these squamous cell carcinomas will be evaluated. Pathologically, because of the abundant presence of tumor infilt rating lmphocytes around the cancer cells, NPC was also named as lymphoepithelioma. In patients with NPC, the serum titer of sIL-2Ra increased with the disease progression. Since sIL-2Ra is a major source for inhibiting the immune cells neighboring the t umor nest, it is essential to investigate the cellular origin of sIL-2Ra. On the other hand, because IL-6 and IL-6R have been identified in the squamous cell cancer, gastric cancer cell lines, and addition of exogenous rIL-6 could induce the proliferatio n
關鍵字:Chinese herb, squanous cell carcinoma , autocrine