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CCMP87-RD-028 常見柴胡中藥材品種之分子鑑定

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:87-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


本研究擬以一般市售的柴胡藥材,如北柴胡、南柴胡、銀柴胡等,台灣種植的高氏柴胡及三島柴胡根部之乾品及鮮品及其偽品大葉柴胡為材料,進行逢機擴大複製多型性DNA片段(random amplified polymorphic DNA, RAPD)的反應,以期建立中藥材分子指紋分析的圖譜,作為市售中藥材基源鑑定之用。實驗中擬以四十條引子,每條包含十個任意序列之核甘酸,對分佈於臺灣北、中、南部之二十家中藥店的市售柴胡,分別進行RAPD分析。篩選適當的引子,所得到的電泳圖譜,將作為今後中藥材基源鑑定比對的依據,同時可提供為中藥品質管制的參考。此外,藉由本研究的方法及條件,亦可建立中藥生物技術鑑定的模式。

Molecular identification of common Buplerum species medicines

Kur-Ta Cheng 
Taipei Medical College
In the study, we plan to identify the Chinese drug materials of the species of Bupleurum , for instance, Bupleurum chinense DC., B. scorzoneraefolium Willd., and B. marginatum Wall. ex DC., etc., which sell in the markets, B. falcatu m L., and their adulterant, B. lnogiradiatum Turcz., and B. kaoi L.,C.& C., which plant in the field in Taiwan, with RAPD analysis. In the experiments, forty 10mer arbitrary primers were use to screen the above samples, and to the crude drugs which sold by twenty randomly selected stores in Taiwan, for obtaining available primers which clearly differentiate among them. The aims of the present study are to reveal the fingerprint patterns of Bupleurum spp. for identifying usage, and to construct the iden tification model of molecular biotechniques applying on Chinese drugs.
關鍵字:Buplerum, RAPD.