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CCMP87-RD-032 利用毛細管電泳定量中藥製劑成份(三)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:87-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


中藥的品質管理由薄層層析(TLC)的定性分析,進展到HPLC的定量分析,是中藥邁向現代化的一大步。目前HPLC的分析方法很多,效果也很好,惟在離子或高極性化合物(如生物鹼)的分析上,不但分析時間長,且有較多困擾;CE是近幾年新發展出來的分析儀器,已有一些論文發表,一般較適合分析離子及高極性成分,且分析時間短。中藥以水煎煮,其抽提物以離子及高極性成分居多,但不論國內或國外均未見CE直接用於品管實務,有待開發推廣。另外,HPLC與CE在眾多成分的複雜中藥製劑分析上,尚少併列比較,應再評估研究。因此,本計畫包括:(1)開發或篩驗100基準方中含berberine, ephedrine, dehydroevodiamine, guanosine, sinomenine等生物鹼的製劑(計41方)之CE分析方法;(2)選取至少含君藥及半數組成藥材計十個成分為指標,評估比較用HPLC及CE分析疏肝湯及芍藥湯的優缺點。
本計畫共分三年執行,第一年(八十三年度)已於八十三年六月三十日完成三黃瀉心湯與小承氣湯各六個成分,及乙字湯十一個成分的分析方法開發(見DOH 83-CM-013研究報告);第二年(八十六年度)已完成疏肝湯十餘個成分及含berberine製劑13方的分析,並進行開發含sinomenine及guanosine製劑之分析方法;第三年(八十七年度)預計完成芍藥湯至少十個成分及含ephedrine製劑11方,含guanosine製劑14方,含dehydroevodiamine 2方,含sinomenine製劑1方的分析。

Determination of the contents in Chinese herbal preparations by capillary electrophoresis (3)

Shuenn-Jyi Sheu 
National Taiwan Normal University
The purpose of this project is to develop and screen out facile analysis methods for Chinese herbal preparations in compliance with the requirements of Chinese medicine and pharmaceutical administration and to further assess and comp are the superiorities and shortcomings of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and capillary electrophoresis (CE) in the simultaneous analysis of a plurality of components.
Chinese herbal medicine has made a great step forward in the quality control advancing from the quality analysis by means of thin layer chromatography(TLC) to the quantitative analysis by HPLC. At present, there are various HPLC met hods with excellent effects. However, in the analysis of ions or highly polar molecules such as alkaloids, the analysis takes a long time and presents comparatively more troubles. The CE is a currently developed analytical instrument on which there have been a number of papers reported. Generally, it is more suitable for the analysis of ions and hi
關鍵字:Capillary electrophoresis,High-performance liquid chromatography ,Chinese herbal preparationv