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CCMP87-RD-035 細辛之asarinin與sesamin成分之製備

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:87-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


中藥已廣汎在我國使用數千年, 但是其品質的評價一直無法獲得定論, 而最近高效率液相層析儀能夠解決該問題, 可是尚存在一個重要問題, 就是標準品不易取得, 所以本計畫針對該瓶頸, 希望從中藥中分離出標準品來提供檢驗與品管之使用。同時改良以往的? 擢髐隤k, 將來能夠提供廠商自行分離與製造的最簡便方法。本年度擬從細辛中分離sesamin及asarinin二種lignan, 同時評估市售各種細辛之此兩種lignan 的含量。
關鍵字:細辛、標準對照品、木質素 Isolation of Standard Compounds from Asarum heterotropoides var mandshruricum

National Cheng Kung University

Tian Shung Wu 
National Cheng Kung University
Traditional Chinese medicine has been used for thousands of years by a large population. However, the evalution of quality of the traditional Chinese medicine is kept uncertainly till now. The HPLC method can be used to solve thi s problem. The standard compounds are not easily obtained and it develop a more serious question. In order to solve this problem, we expect to isolation the standard compounds from the traditional Chinese medicine for the propose of the quality and quant ity control. A simple and rapid method for the isolation and preparation of the standard compounds will be also developed by this study. In this year, we plan to isolate sasamin and asarinin from Xixen and also examine the contents of sesamin and asarini n among the various commercial articles of Xixen by HPLC.
關鍵字:Asari Radix; standard compound; lignan