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CCMP87-RD-037 以皮膚穴道電機能篩檢儀對婦科腫瘤病人手術及化學治療前後及恢復期之觀察

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:87-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06



皮膚穴道電機能篩檢法(Electro-Dermal Screening System, EDSS) 為使用皮膚穴道電機能篩檢儀,簡稱穴檢儀(EDSD)依據經絡系統(meridian system) 的皮膚穴道電機能篩檢法(Electro-Dermal Screening Test, EDST)。惟經由穴檢儀表示的各穴位之電阻及其改變,是否可以確實的反應患者的疾病與生理狀況:治療前後恢復的情形,乃至手術或化學治療對各系統所造成的影響,則尚無明確的答案,本研究旨在經由對惡性及良性生殖道腫瘤的女性病人,以穴檢儀於治療前後施以密集而連續的觀察,並與標準的血液,生化,放射線影像,及解剖病理等結果比較,期確立穴檢儀在婦科腫瘤診斷與治療的地位。

本年研究實施方法及步驟為對患子宮頸、子宮及卵巢惡性及良性生殖腫瘤的女性病人及無症狀的對照組,包括最少60位接受手術治療的惡性腫瘤病人,60位接受手術治療的良性腫瘤病人,40位接受化學療法的惡性腫瘤病人及60位無症狀而不需治療的女性。於診斷確? w,治療之前及每次治療後,測量一次,接受化學療法者於每次開始治療前,皆使用穴檢儀測量。
一、 是否有子宮、卵巢或其它生殖道的腫瘤(與理學檢查及影像檢查結果比較)
二、 是否可以分辨惡性及良性腫瘤(與病理組織檢查結果比較)
三、 是否可以分辨惡性腫瘤是否有淋巴腺轉移(與病理組織檢查結果比較)
四、 是否可以顯示化學治療藥物的毒性作用(與病人之血液及生化檢驗值如血素及血球計數、腎功能、肝功能、週邊神經傳導機能等比較)


Longitudinal observation of bioenergetic change on meridian system in patients with gynecologic tumors undergoing treatment by using Electro-Dermal Screening Test

Ting-Chang Chang M. D., M.P.H. 
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Gynecologic malignancy is the leading malignancy among Taiwan women. Current treatments including surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Toxicities of these treatments, although temporarily present in most cases, are difficult to prevent. Both systemic and local toxicities were observed in patients who undergo these treatments. Although laboratory data including complete blood count, biochemistry, tumor markers, and image studies may reflect the disease status before and afte r treatment, these tests cannot indicate the bioenergetic change before and after treatment.

Based on the meridian system, Electro-Dermal Screening Test (EDST) is a non-invasive test and reflects the bioenergetic status by using a electro-dermal screening device (EDSD). We scheduled to apply EDST on patients with benign and malignant gynecologic tumors undergoing treatments, and analyze the potential change before and after these treatments. We expected that this investigation might evaluate the role of
關鍵字:Electrodermal screening test, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, myoma of uterine corpus, adenomyosis, benign ovarian tumor, prospective repetitive measurement