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CCMP87-RD-042 天然產物抗人類肝細胞癌活性之研究:芸香科生物鹼之篩選

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:87-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


肝癌組織的生長調控,取決於癌細胞之細胞增生能力強弱與癌細胞破壞間之平衡。前者可藉細胞增生實驗 (cell proliferation assay)及去氧核醣核酸合成實驗 (DNA synthesis assay)來評估。至於癌細胞破壞可經由壞死 (necrosis)及預設性細胞死亡(apopt osis)來評估。此外,能產生甲型胎兒蛋白的肝癌,受到抑癌物質作用 (或治療有效)時,甲型胎兒蛋白的濃渡也會下降;所以甲型胎兒蛋白的濃渡也可用做肝癌組織的生長指標。臨床上, doxorubicin (一種topoisomerase抑制劑)是被用來治療肝癌藥物中效果比較好的藥物。因此我們也測定 topoisomerase抑制活性。本研究利用具不同特性(如細胞分化程度,有無感染 B型肝炎,及會不會產生甲型胎兒蛋白)的肝癌細胞株做為研究對象,加入不同濃度 (0, 0.05, 0.5, 5, 50, 及500 nm/ml)之純化芸香科生物鹼(共60種),研究下列數種抗肝癌活性:1) 抑制肝癌細胞增生; 2 ) 抑制肝癌細胞去氧核醣核酸合成;3) 促進肝癌細胞 apoptosis (並進行細胞週期分析);4) 促進肝癌細胞壞死 (測定 lactate dehydrogenase); 5) 抑制肝癌細胞 topoisomerase I 活性;6) 降低肝癌細胞甲型胎兒蛋白的濃渡。最後,綜合各種抗肝癌活性結果,利用單變項及多變項統計分析,篩選出具治療肝癌潛力的芸香科生物鹼,以便進一步作其毒理研究與臨床試驗,以決定其成為抗癌新藥之可能性。

Screening of natural products with anti-tumor activity on human hepatocellular carcinoma: rutaceous alkaloids

Jung-Fa Tsai 
Kaohsiung Medical College
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most frequent cancers in Taiwan. The prognosis of patients with HCC is still poor despite of improving diagnostic techniques. The poor survival was due to lack of specific anti-cancer drugs. It is imperative to develop new drugs for efficient therapy. This study aims to screen rutaceous alkaloids with anti-tumor activity for HCC. Different concentrations of purified rutaceous alkaloid were added to hepatoma cells in culture to evaluat e the anti-cancer activity. The following anti-cancer activities will be assessed in 60 kinds of purified rutaceous alkaloids: inhibition of hepatoma cell proliferation, inhibition of DNA synthesis, induction of apoptosis, inhibition of topoisomerase I a ctivity, evaluation of necrosis by determining the level of lactate dehydrogenase in the culture medium, and determination of alpha-fetoprotein in the cultured medium.
關鍵字:hepatocellular carcinoma, rutaceous alkaloid, anticancer activity