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CCMP87-RD-045 厚朴酚magnolol 對腦缺血之治療評估

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:87-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06

厚朴酚magnolol 對腦缺血之治療評估

氧代謝物 (Reactiv Oxygen Metabolites; ROM),包括:過氧離子、氫氧游離基以及過氧化氫,它是身體生理代謝反應及中樞神經功能運作下之產物。 ROM 被認為和許多腦疾病之病變過程有關。關於這方面已有許多研究報告間接證明:游離基氧化反應和腦外傷、缺血、神經退化疾病如: 巴金森氏症、老年癡呆症及多發性硬化等、及神經中毒時引起組織損傷有關。基於上述有關游離基氧化物對於神經病裡角色之暸解,目前正積極從基礎與臨床兩方面研究,以期開發有效之抗氧化藥物,以期對因游離基引起之中樞病變有好的預防與治療效果。在中醫方面,中藥厚朴曾用於多種處方,民間常用於治療發燒、頭痛、焦慮、腹瀉等。已知 magnolol 為分離純化自厚朴之主要成分。根據最近文獻報導 magnolol 兩者均具有抗氧化作用,其抗氧化之強度約為 a-tocopheral 之 1000 倍,為目前已知中藥成份與合成化合物中抗氧化作用最強之藥物。因此本實驗主要目的為以中樞腦缺血模式,探討 magnolol 對缺血引起腦組織損傷之保護與治療效果,以期開發更有效腦中風治療藥物。

Evaluation of magnolol on cerebral ischemia

Mao-Hsiung Yen 
National Defense Medical Center
Reactive oxygen metabolites (ROM), namely superoxide and hydroxyl free radicals and hydrogen peroxide, are produced as a consequence of the physiological metabolic reactions and functioning of the central nervous system. ROM have als o been implicated in the aetiopathogenic processes of a number of pathological conditions of the brain. While primarily indirect, evidence for this view is accumulating , and credence for the participation of free radical oxidative interactions in promot ing tissue injury in such conditions as brain trauma, ischaemia, and toxicity, and in neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinsons disease, Alzheimers dementia, multiple sclerosis, and lipofuscinosis, is growing. Concomitant with this new understandin g of the injurious role free radical oxidants in neural pathology, is the increasing appreciation for the need for both fundamental and clinical research into the development of the potential preventative and therapeutic benefits that are now being fores e
關鍵字:oxygen free radical, cerebral ischemia, reperfusion injury, magnolol