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CCMP87-RD-060 中藥製劑中微量殘留農藥之篩測

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:87-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


藥用植物中的農藥殘留往往是在耕作過程中噴灑農藥,改良土壤,及在貯藏過程中使用薰蒸劑累積而得。對於食品與飼料,FAO(Food and Agriculture Organization)與WHO(World Health Organization)等組織,均建立了農藥殘留量之標準,而許多植物性來源的藥品通常需要長期使用,因此建立藥劑中殘留農藥的標準及其分析檢測方法之建立更形重要。本計劃主要是探討中藥製劑中微量殘留農藥之篩測。目前各中藥廠藥材,大多來自東南亞地區,因此所偵測農藥,則以較不易自然分解,且危害性較大之有機氯農藥為主,包含a-BHC, b-BHC, g-BHC, d-BHC(1,2,3 ,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane), p,p-DDE (dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene), p,p-DDD [1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane], o,p-DDT,及p,p-DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)等。比較索氏萃取(soxhlet extraction),固相萃取(solid-phase extraction,S PE),固相微萃取(solid phase microextraction,SPME)等方式,並以GC/MS分析偵測探討中藥製劑中微量農藥適當萃取方式和質譜偵測之適當條件,以提供複雜藥劑中微量農藥分析之參考。

Multiresidue determination of trace pesticides in Chinese medicine formulation

Maw-Rong Lee 
National Chung-Hsing University
Pesticides applied to a broad variety of crops to reduce loses from weeds, insects and diseases will result in contamination on a medicine plant. The limits of residue pesticides for foodstuff and feed have been built by Food and Ag riculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization(WHO). Generally, a plant used as a medicine will be taken for a long time. It is very important to determination the residue pesticides in Chinese medicine formulation.
In this study, various methods including soxhlet extraction, solid phase extraction and solid phase microextraction are used to study the extraction of organochlorine pesticides, a-BHC, b-BHC, g-BHC, d-BHC, p,p-DDD, p,p-DDE, o,p -DDT, and p,p-DDT in Chinese medicine formulations. The GC/ECD and GC/MS was evaluated for pesticides determination. The limits of detection of pesticides in Chinese medicine formulations are determined by GC/MS.
關鍵字:organochlorine pesticide, Chinese medicine, extraction, GC/ECD, GC/MS