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CCMP86-RD-004 常用治療風濕免疫之中藥對國人類風濕關節炎血清Cortisol, ACTH及淋巴球類固醇接受體與傾荷力之影響

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:86-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06

常用治療風濕免疫之中藥對國人類風濕關節炎血清Cortisol, ACTH及淋巴球類固醇接受體與傾荷力之影響

類風濕關節炎(RA),是以關節病變為主之自體免疫疾病。其免疫異常與細胞激素(IL1、 IL6、TNFα)及腎上腺有相當之關連性。傳統治療風濕免疫之中藥強調可針對上述之病變于以治療,而西藥治療重點則包括非類固醇抗發炎劑、類固醇及其它免疫抑制劑。本篇研究先行以酵素免疫法測試,國人類風濕關節炎血清中Cortisol及ACTH之含量,同時比較不同藥物治療後(包括中藥)其差異性。本研究尚測定國人RA病患及正常人淋巴球之Steroid receptor density及affinity,且與國外RA病患進行比較。及與不同治療組別(類固醇及非類固醇治療組)相互比較。另上述中藥在體外與淋巴球培養不同時間從而瞭解藥物是否增加或抑制細胞內Steroid receptor之濃度變化。本研究結果相信可進一步認識國人RA及腎上腺皮質素與類固醇receptor之相互關係,及中藥對上述之影響。

The effect of popular anti-rheumatic & immunosuppressive herbs on serum ACTH, cortisol and lymphocyte steroid receptor & affinity in Chinese patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease. The immunologic disorders are related with some cytokines including IL1, IL6 and TNFa and even cortisol abnormalities. The traditional Chinese medicines against rheumatic diseases were developed by converting or controlling those inflammatory cytokines. The most common Western medicines to treat either rheumatic diseases or immune diseases including non-steroid antiinflammatory drugs, steroid and other immunosuppressive agents. This study will measure the cortisol and ACTH first and then steroid receptor density and affinity of lymphocytes from patients with RA and healthy subjects. The results will be compared with that of the caucasian with RA. Besides, in vitro experiment, different traditional anti-rheumatic herbs are extracted and then cultured with lymphocytes from RA patients and healthy subjects to see whether those herbs can influence the steroid receptor. Hopefully, the findings in this study can provide the information abou