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CCMP86-RD-007 以脈診研究中醫藥之歸經原理

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:86-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06




A study of the principle of meridian in Chinese Medicine by pulse feeling method

In the past decade, we tried to combined the principle of pulse diagnosis with the physiology. We derived the blood pressure wave propagation equation from the Newtons law F=ma and in further derived some basic principles of Chinese medicine, such as the meridian, "yin", "yung", "Qi" and so on. This project is intended to study the meridian related herbs according to the meridian principles we derived. The meridian related herbs may affected the blood pressure pulse spectrum. It changed the amplitude of the corresponding harmonics which may become larger, a little larger, a little smaller or smaller following the hot, warm, cool, or cold herbal characteristics.

We are planning to use five years to study these meridian related herbs, so we could have a systematically understanding in the pharmacology and the therapeutics of Chinese medicine. The first year, the kidney meridian related herbs will be studied. The 2nd year, the spleen meridian related herbs will be studied. The th
關鍵字:pulse diagnosis, meridian related medicine, blood pressure wave propagation equation