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CCMP86-RD-008 紅外線脈波在中醫診斷上的應用

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:86-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


本計劃的目的主要是想以紅外線末梢血流訊號擷取分析方法與架構,來量取病人手指的脈波圖形,經FFT、功率頻譜等分析後,再與中醫脈診所得之訊號作比較,試著找出紅外線末梢血流訊號與傳統中醫脈診的相關性,以做為簡易中醫脈診的輔助參考。計劃初期將以健康者為研究對象,之後再加上高血壓、糖尿病等病症。實驗設計採取「完全隨機設計(completely randomized design)」每組人數取至少30個以上,以求得統計分析的結果較近似常態分布且具代表性。本研究乃利用血液(分為含氧血與缺氧血)中對近紅外光的吸收光譜特性,與遵守Beers Law之下,提供LED(950nm與660nm)為光源,穿透手指後,於手指的另一側以光電感測器接受剩餘光量,再轉成電訊號,可獲得血流脈波體積描記圖。接著,將自研究對象所得的紅外線光電訊號與脈診之壓電訊號利用多功能分析儀(MA6000)進行訊號分析,以便我們觀察訊號間之相關性,如此可將紅外線脈波特徵作一評估,以作為中醫臨床輔助診斷之用。

Applications of Infrared Vessel Pulse Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine

This research is to use infrared light source to detect extreme blood flow signal that will be compared with traditional pulse diagnosis or other pulse diagnosis methods in Chinese medicine. The final purpose is to find the relationships between the Infrared pulse and the Chinese pulse diagnosis, and then we try to find an easy way for the reference of pulse diagnosis. In the early stage of this study, human subjects with healthy conditions will be investigated, and then we will compare these data with that of hypertensive and diabetes patients. For statistical purpose, at least 30 subjects in each group are used. The study will use LED ( 950nm 與 660nm ) as the light source for the characteristic of light absorption, reflection, and scattering in the blood under Beers Law. The light signals will be collected by a phototransducer and transferred into electrical signals ( photoplethysmograph ). Finally, the signals will be analyzed with the Chinese pulse signals by a mul
關鍵字:Infrared ray, finger pulse signal, Chinese pulse diagnosis