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CCMP86-RD-011 艾灸與紫杉醇合併治療實驗性腫瘤及其療效機制之探討

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:86-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06



本研究先將S-180肉瘤細胞接種在ICR鼷鼠的皮下。將此長有皮下腫瘤的鼷鼠分成B組,分別用MT及TL單獨及合併處理。MT分為1,2,3及4而TL所用的劑量為10,30,60及90mg/kg體重。合併的處理則以2及3次之MT與30或60mg/kg的taxol相合併。在施灸時須對測量腫瘤內溫度的分佈。處理後120天內,測定各組的平均存活時間,死亡率,腫瘤控制率及延長壽命的比率等項,以評估其療效。另外測量腫瘤內病理組織的改變,用流量細胞分析儀在治療前後,測量腫瘤內細胞在細胞週期內各期的比例及其DNA的含量,另用放射性同位素86Rb為追蹤劑測定腫瘤內血流量? 漣幭隉C藉以闡明艾灸及紫杉醇治療實驗性腫瘤產生療效的作用機制。


Studies on Combined effects of Moxibustion and Taxol on experimental tumor and the mechanism of their therapeutic effects

The objective of the research propsal is set in order to evaluate the therapeutic effects of moxibustion and taxol, and to explore the mechanism of antitumor effects of moxibustion and taxol.

In this study, ICR mice will be chosen for subcutaneous implantation of sarcoma 180 cells (1x107). The mice bearing subcutaneous tumor (ST) will be divided into many groups and treated with moxibustion (MT) and / or taxol. MT will be used for 1, 2, 3 and 4 times respectively. The dose of taxol used will be 10, 30, 60 and 90 mg/kg body weight(i.p.). The doses combined of treatment will be 2 and 3 times of MT and 30 or 60 mg/kg of taxol respectively.

Temperature distribution in tumor will be measured during moxibustion treatment. Therapeutic effects will be evaluated by means of measuring survival time, mortality rate and tumor control rate etc. The cell stages of tumor cells and their DNA contents will be analyzed by Flow cytometry, The radioactivity of 86Rb in tumors will be measured