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CCMP86-RD-056 脈診儀對氣喘病診斷及嚴重度之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:86-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


氣喘病是呼吸道之一種慢性炎症反應,臨床上有些病人氣喘頻頻發作,有些人偶而發作,這種差異性除了和誘發性氣喘發作的原因有關外,另一項重要因素就是體質上的差異,目前對體質的研究為現代科學研究的瓶頸。因此,來研究的目的是希望藉由脈診儀來探討氣喘發作的前後及發作的頻率,嚴重度和脈波的關係如何,研究計劃收集200個病童,將病人分為純西醫治療組及中西醫治療組,病人每次回門診,一定測其脈波。若病情穩定,至少一個月量脈波一次,氣喘發作後住院則每日早晚各測量脈波一次,直到出院為止;另外收集無氣喘病,心臟病童或其他重大疾病? 偎儱茞捰@100人,每月測量其脈波一次,所有資料採用Paired-test, Wilcoxn rank sun test,計算其統計學上之意義。


Study of bronchial asthma by the Fourier compoent of the pulse

Asthma is a chronic inflammation disease of respiratory tract. The frequency of asthma attacking is related to the induced-pathogenic factors and human body character differences which are difficult jobs of research until now. Based on the resonance of organs and the effect of organ on blood flow studied in hemodynamics, the instrument of pulse-measured was developed by profession Wang in Academic Sinica to study the function of organs and diffenences of human body character. Therefore, the aim of the research is to study the relation between before and after asthma attacking through the instrument measurement.

200 asthma children patient would be identified and chosen for the study. 100 patients would be assigned to the case group of western medicine, the other patients for the second group of western and Chinese herb medicine. Patients could be measured by the instrument every time in the outpatient clinic or bid during admission. Another, 100 children who are not illed in ast
關鍵字:Fourier component of the pulse , Asthma , Chinese Medicine