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CCMP102-RD-013 健全中醫藥管理體制與法規環境(2-1)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-09-26
  • 更新時間:111-02-14

陳憲堂、余萬能、許君薇 中華民國藥事品質改革協會 



Study on building an intact management system and regulatory environment for Chinese medicines (2-1) Hsien-tang Chen, Wan-nan Yu and Chun-wei Shu Quality Improvement for Pharmaceutical Affairs Association, Taiwan The purpose of this project is to maintain the safety for the Chinese medicine usage through an effective regulatory advisory system and construct a predominant environment following the enhancement of the global competitiveness for the Chinese medicine industry. A task force of consultation regarding regulations of TCM from different backgrounds including medical, pharmaceutical and legislation specialists is formed and offers legal opinions and consulting corresponding to legal cases that CCMP submits and legal issues related to TCM that proposed by the industry. In this study, we will collect and sort out the regulations and explanations related to TCM of Taiwan and TCM regulations of the USA, European Union, Japan and Mainland China. Appropriate regulations and amendment will be proposed to CCMP for policy-making reference based on the organization reform, categorized/graded applications of products, and harmonization of international regulations.