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CCMP102-RD-012 提升中醫師臨床試驗專業能力

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-09-26
  • 更新時間:111-02-14

郭英調 社團法人台灣受試者保護協會 

為提升中醫藥臨床試驗水準及中醫師臨床試驗專業能力,本計畫將於全國北部、中部、南部、東部各辦理一場共辦理四場臨床試驗課程,課程結構第一部份介紹國際中醫藥研究趨勢;第二部份為研究倫理及法規介紹;第三部份為臨床試驗研究設計與研究方法;第四部份為臨床試驗執行實務。課程舉辦時將全程錄影,並若場地安排許可,將在其它三區進行遠距視訊同步進行。所有課程都辦理滿意度及成效評估。 在取得演講者授權後,將授課內容公開,以利中醫藥委員會推廣中醫師及中醫藥研究人員之使用。盼能藉由辦理中醫藥研究人才培訓課程,提昇國內中醫藥研究之品質並提升國際競爭力。 


Enhancing Chinese medicine physician clinical trial competence Benjamin Ing-Tiau Kuo Human Subject Protection Association in Taiwan This project sets four courses in northern, central, southern, and eastern Taiwan, for enhancement of the clinical trial technics of Chinese medicine and abilities of Chinese medicine practitioner. The course is constituted by four major parts,the first part of each course will be "The Trend of International Chinese Medicine research ", including research of evidence-based medicine in Chinese medicine, the second part is about research ethics, and related regulations, the third part is design of clinical trial and research methods, and the last part is the practices of clinical trial execution, such as administration of clinical trial medicine, informed consent, ethic review and subjects protection.