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CCMP102-RD-005 以動物及細胞實驗評估蛇床子與蛇床子素對血管內皮前驅細胞作用之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-09-26
  • 更新時間:111-02-14

侯文琪1 黃群耀2 1臺北醫學大學生藥學研究所 2臺北醫學大學醫學系內科學科

蛇床子為中國傳統藥材,主要用於殺蟲止癢、溫腎壯陽。其活性主成分為蛇床子素,含量可達藥材乾重之 2-3%,比例相當高,具有降血壓、抗糖尿病、抗胰島素抗性與抗發炎等活性。經過初步篩選,本實驗室發現蛇床子素可增加血管內皮前驅細胞之血管新生作用,因此,冀望以此兩年計畫對蛇床子與血管內皮前驅細胞之影響,進行深入之研究。第一年之計畫將以細胞實驗平台檢視蛇床子與蛇床子素對血管內皮前驅細胞之影響,在活性與強度上是否相同,以釐清蛇床子內是否僅有蛇床子素具有作用,以及是否有其他協同作用之化合物存在。同時,將餵食小鼠蛇床子與蛇床子素,以了解兩者是否會增加周邊血液之血管內皮前驅細胞數目。第二年之重點在於蛇床子是否有能力在疾病之相關壓力下維持血管內皮前驅細胞之功能性,且將以小鼠後肢缺血試驗,測試蛇床子是否於體內試驗仍具有促進血管新生之能力。此外,將以 PCR array之方式針對較大範圍之基因表現進行檢測,以求能廣泛的了解蛇床子對血管內皮前驅細胞之作用機制,提供更多資料給預防保健之用,拓展蛇床子之應用與商業價值。


Functional evaluation of Cnidii Fructus and osthole on endothelial progenitor cells by animal and cell models

Wen-Chi Hou1 Chun-Yao Huang2 1Graduate Institute of Pharmacognosy, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan 2Department of Internal Medicine, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan

Common Cnidium Fruit is a traditional Chinese medicine that used externally to kill worms and relieve itching. And internally, it was used mainly on warming the kidney. Osthole, a coumarin analogue, is the main active component in Common Cnidium Fruit with lots of biological activities, including anti-hypertension, anti-diabetes, anti-insulin resistance, anti-inflammation and etc. Recently, our screening result on the pure compound library of Chinese medicine showed that osthole could potentially enhance the angiogenesis activity of human endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs). By its multiple functions on the alleviation of the risk factors of atherosclerosis, it’s interesting that Common Cnidium Fruit may have the potency on modulating the function of EPCs in vivo. In this two-year project, we will emphasize on the in vivo activities of Common Cnidium Fruit by using mice model, including the number of circulating EPCs and the angiogenetic potency in normal and diet-induced obesity situation by hindlimb ischemic model. And the cellular model will perform at the same time for simply observation of the activities of ethanolic extracts, partition fractions or the osthole on EPCs in much pure enviroments. The PCR array will be used for extensively signaling pathway mining to get more information for healthcare and extend the applicaiotns for Common Cnidium Fruit.