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CCMP97-RD-017 中藥材供健康食品使用之研究與基準之建立

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-13
  • 更新時間:106-06-16



The study for traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) products to be used as health foods and the establishment of guidelines

Yi-Hung Chen
Yuanpei University
People in the world have focused on how to keep health because of the wealth accumulation and life improvement. Herbs have the natural concept, so that using herbs to keep health is quite popular. Nowadays, every country dedicates to study and develop herbal medicines. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a system of healing that has long been utilized in the Chinese culture and is of great values in this regard.
In order to promote the safe use of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and as suggested by the 23rd Science & Technology Advisory Board Meetings and Strategic Review Board (SRB) Meeting, Taiwan’s Department of Health is considering the possibility of allowing some TCMs to be used as foods. These will be gradually phased into use.
Our previous study investigated how international regulatory authorities regulate TCMs intended to be used as foods. We also analyze whether the most frequently used TCMs are suitable to be used as foods and we attempt to establish guidances for safety assessments.
關鍵字:Traditional Chinese Medicine;health food;safety assessment