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CCMP99-RD-063 以中藥及疾病誘發之基因表現模式為基礎建立電腦虛擬中藥-疾病配對篩選系統:以中風治療研究為實作議題

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-12
  • 更新時間:106-06-15


不論在生物醫學及中國傳統醫學的領域中,疾病與疾病導致的基因改變以及藥物的作用等三面向的關連一直是很重要的研究目標。但是在實驗室的層級中如何篩選出適用的中草藥一直是很困難且費時費力的工作。如果能建立一個較為系統化且集中資源的篩選系統,勢必能增進藥物篩選的進程。本計畫的目的便在於建立一個”參考目錄式”的電腦虛擬化工具(Herb-Disease-Gene Pairing System, 簡稱HerbGPS)以協助研究者能更有效率地預測中草藥對疾病的療效。這個虛擬化篩選系統背後的原理十分簡單:由於大多疾病或是病源皆會造成人體基因圖譜的改變,因此若能找出適當的藥物將受影響的基因轉回原本的狀態便能達到治療的效果。在本計畫中有四個主要的目標:一、進行基因圖譜的微陣列分析以了解中草藥對基因的影響;二、結合微陣列分析的結果與模式辨認演算法建立一個電腦虛擬的中草藥篩選系統;三、利用系統生物學的工具探討藥物與訊息傳導及蛋白之間的關聯網絡;四、利用急性缺血性腦中風的小鼠模型檢測HerbGPS篩選中草藥對中風的治療效果。HerbGPS系統的建立可以提升中藥醫學基礎機制研究的進程,同時對於現存的中草藥也提供了尋找新的治療標的的可能性。
關鍵字:中藥-疾病配對篩選系統,系統生物學, 中風, 腦缺血

Applying Chinese Herb- and Disease-induced Gene Expression Patterns to Create a Virtual Drug-Disease Pairing System: Stroke Therapy as a Scenario

Hsei-Wei Wang
National Yang Ming University
Connecting a disease with a disease-modifying gene product and herbal modulators of those proteins is one of the major aims of biomedical research and is the core business of Chinese medicine. But laborious screens of Chinese herbal libraries remain a daunting task. It’s better to make this screening process systematized and centralized by something resembling an internet search engine. The purpose of this project is to establish a “reference catalogue” computer tool (the Herb-Disease-Gene Pairing System, HerbGPS in short), which implements with a big herbal-disease gene pattern database and pattern-recognition algorithms, for prediction the efficacy of Chinese herbs on diseases. The principle of this tool is simple: since diseases or pathogens disturb the cellular gene expression patterns, all we need to do is to find a herbal product which can tune them back. There are 4 goals in this project: (1) To apply gene expression microarray to obtain herb-induced genes; (2) To combine array data and pattern recognition algorithms for constructing an in silico Chinese herb screening system; (3) To apply systems biology tools for exploring pathway-drug and protein-drug networks; (4) To demonstrate the therapeutic effects of screened Chinese herbs for acute ischemic stroke in a mice middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) model. HerbGPS will accelerate the basic mechanistic research of Chinese herbal medicine and discover the novel applications of existing Chinese herbal products.
關鍵字:Herb-Disease-Gene Pairing System, system biology, stroke, ischemia