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CCMP96-RD-211 以細胞株培養、小白鼠模式、及臨床試驗方式做有系統探討及比較中西方天然草本製劑對抗病毒感染及增加免疫功能之效用:細胞層級的試驗

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:96-12-15
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


在過去的100年中,有許多人類新興病毒疾病是由動物傳播到人類來而引發起來的,其中至少有兩種:那就是人類免疫不全病毒(HIV)及SARS病毒,已造成全球的流行及恐慌;而地域性及小地區的感染則不計其數,譬如說1993美國新墨西哥州的hantavirus、1998馬來西亞的nipah virus、1999美國紐約市的West Nile virus、及其他。至於1918年的“西班牙流感”也可能是由鳥類傳染過來的,而現今禽流感對人類的威脅,也因人口更稠密及交通更發達等因素,比過去有過之而無不及。隨著時代的演變及進步,跳越物種的新興病毒之種類、變異、及致病能力似乎已越來越無法預測與防治,尤其病毒的特性是完全的寄生體,使用宿主細胞之代謝合成路徑來複製自己,所以化學合成藥物的研發及使用,常受到高細胞毒性及其副作用的限制。中草藥之運用在中國已有三千多年歷史,其藥理是從臨床實踐醫學為出發點,以廣大經驗的累積而達到溫和療效及改善體質等治本之功能,因此中草藥運用在病毒感染症,正可彌補西藥的缺點與不足。在本計畫裡,我們擬探討坊間廣用之固有方劑舉元煎與草藥板藍根及紫花地丁等兩味,對臺灣流行的病毒疾病之療效。此外,由於國外也已重視及使用抗病毒之中草藥方劑,為能在藥理研究及藥物研發上與國際接軌,本研究也將引進在西方國家裡所盛行“順勢療法(homeopathic medicine)”的天然方劑叫Método Canova,與上述中草藥方劑做同時而平行的實驗。為此,細胞株培養及先導的臨床試驗會被用來針對,包括腸病毒、單純皰疹病毒、EV病毒、或登革熱病毒,做有系統對抗病毒感染療效之探討。綜言之,本計畫擬以一年半時間(兩年期:96.8.1~97.12.31)以細胞株培養方式,從事四種中西方天然草本方劑(舉元煎、舉元煎加味板藍根、舉元煎加味紫花地、及Método Canova)在抵抗病毒療效與增強免疫功能方面,做有系統且深入的探討與比較,期能詳細分析其異同;其計畫的目標如下:以細胞株模式測試四種方劑對病毒複製的抑制效力 - 舉元煎、舉元煎加味板藍根、舉元煎加味紫花地、及Método Canova將以三個濃度處理宿主細胞後,檢測是否可直接抑制腸病毒、單純皰疹病毒、及登革熱病毒的感染與複製。同時也將探討可否誘發免疫分子的間接毒殺效力,其作法將三種濃度之這些方劑與人體周邊白血球共同培養,再檢測培養白血球的上清液(conditional medium)中,是否含有可以抑制上述病毒增殖之因子,以初步了解其療效的可能機轉;而最近所研發成功之病毒基因表達晶片,也會用來探討EV病毒受中草藥抑制時,其基因表達之改變。在此實驗設計之下,受驗四種方劑的抗病毒效用,及其有效濃度就會被測定出來。

The uses of cell line and mouse models and clinical pilot trials for systematic analysis and comparison of the efficacies of Chinese and Western herbal medicines in controlling viral infections and modulating immunity: Testing with a cell model

Li, Ching
National Chiayi University
Starting 100 years ago, there are at least two zoonotic emerging viral infectious diseases, acquired immunodeficiency syndromes (AIDS) and severe acute respiratory syndromes (SARS), have spreaded pandemically and threaten human lives, and they are caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and SARS corona virus, which jumped across species barriers. Additionally, there are numberous local or demestic outbreaks of emerging and reemerging viral diseases that are constantly happening, such as the hantavirus infection cases in New Maxico, USA in 1993, napah virus epidemics in Malasia and adjacent countires in 1998, West Nile virus public health crisis in New York City in 1999, and others, that all claimed many human lifes and caused panic in local and surrounding communities. In fact, current molecular biology technology is advanced enough to enable microbiologists to recover the genome fragements for “Spanish Flu” influenza A virus strain by reverse genetics, and subsequently found that the viral sequence was highly likely originated from bird flu virus. This event tell us that the threat by avian flu virus will only become more intense and frequenier, because more polulated people gathering in the urban areas, more travelers coming back and forth, and other social- and cultural-related activities in these days than earlier.
關鍵字:Chinese herbal medicine;Homeopathic medicine;Antiviral therapy;Immune modulation