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CCMP100-RD-025 中醫診斷標準儀器舌診儀、聞診儀及脈診儀記錄之參數與標準化問診所得體質之間的相關分析

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-09
  • 更新時間:106-06-15


體質的判斷為中醫師給與處置及衛教的依據, 在進行體質的研究上,體質量表往往是研究者用來判斷體質的工具,但是體質量表常以患者主觀的症狀為判斷依據,舌診、聞診與脈診在體質診斷的重要性與權重並未被定出。本研究的目的,即為探討舌診、聞診與脈診的診斷參數,是否與體質相關,以及這些參數對在診斷各種體質的重要性,先以收集專家意見決定各種體質應具有的舌診、聞診及脈診特色並訂定其參數,再收集200位自願受試,以體質問卷判定其體質,再以中國醫藥大學附設醫院之標準舌診儀; 聞診儀與脈診儀,擷取舌脈診資料,後分析其參數,最後使用多變項相關分析,來判斷舌診、聞診、與脈診參數與體質的關係。

The relation between constitutional types and indices of tongue, pulse,and ausculative diagnosis

Constitution differentiation is important for the prescription of Chinese medicines. In previous studies, researchers usually used constitutional questionnaires to determine constitutions.However, the importance of tongue diagnosis and pulse diagnosis remained unclear. The specific aim of this study is to evaluation indices of tongue diagnosis, ausculative diagnosis, and pulse diagnosis in the determination of institutions. Meeting of specialists will determine the characteristics for each consititutions first. Then we plan to recruit 200 volunteers and determine their constitutions by constitutional questionnaires. Tongue manifestations and pulse pressure waveforms will be taken at the same time by standardized instructments. Relations between the indices and each constitution will be determined by multiple linear regression and logistic regression analysis. We anticipate the percentage of importance of a specific index in a specific constitutional type could be determined.
關鍵字:tongue diagnosis, pulse diagnosis, constitution