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CCMP100-RD-016 中藥茵陳活性成份對瘦體素基因缺陷小鼠脂肪肝炎病變的蛋白體學研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-09
  • 更新時間:106-06-15


1. 在瘦體素基因缺陷肥胖小鼠模型中,探討中藥茵陳與其活性成分6,7二甲氧基香豆素對於脂肪酸堆積所引起肝細胞與肝臟氧化損傷的變化。
2. 肥胖鼠所造成脂肪性肝炎的病理動物模式,評估中藥茵陳與6,7二甲氧基香豆素對於肥胖型肝內脂肪酸代謝路徑的關連性。主要以肝臟內脂質新生與脂肪變性的關連性為主。
3. 為了能夠提供更為完整的作用機制,本計劃也運用蛋白質體學進行較大範圍標誌蛋白分析技術,找出茵陳與6,7二甲氧基香豆素對肝臟脂肪性病變表現差異極大的蛋白質,建立藥物的作用機制圖譜。

Proteomics approach of activative components of Yin-Chen-Hao on steatohepatitis in leptin deficiency mice

Tzung-Yan Lee
Chang Gung University
Associated with a rising prevalence of obesity, cardiovascular diseases and hepatic steatosis is increasing in the world. We have engaged on the characteristics of various herbal medicines on hepatic disorder diseases for years, including hepatic fibrosis, apoptosis, and oxidative stress. Specifically, we focus on obesity-
In the objective of current project proposal, we will apply the mediated hepatic oxidative stress and steatohepatitis, a model generated by leptin-deficiency have hypertriglyceridemia relative to normal mice.proteomics techniques to perform the study of molecular mechanism of biologic functions of scoparone, an active component of Yin-Chen-Hao that related to possible hepatoprotective responses. Therefore, the specific aims in this project are: 
Specific Aim I: We will clarify the activity of scoparone to leptin-deficiency induce obesity or steatohepatitis-mediated aberrant hepatic function, including oxidative stress; meanwhile, we also detect the potential factor(s) involved in fatty acid accumulation.
Specific Aim II: We will identify and study the “possible” compounds, scoparone, originated from Yin-Chen-Hao responsible for lipogenesis and steatosis. Especially investigate molecular mechanisms by possible scoparone -mediated signaling in regulation of fatty acid synthase.
Specific Aim III: The main objective of this project is to conduct of proteomics approach in understanding the activity of scoparone and generate enough information to open the way to couple phytomedicine with genomic sciences.
關鍵字:obesity、steatohepatitis、scoparone、 leptin-deficiency mice