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CCMP100-RD-005 台灣市售易誤用混用中藥品種的探討及辨識資料庫之建置

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-09
  • 更新時間:106-06-15
台灣民眾有66 % 經常性使用中藥,佔門診健保使用頻率之15 %,為維護國人中藥用藥安全,建構我國整體中藥環境制度,並回應消保團體、立院決議及世界衛生組織對傳統醫學的決議。中醫藥委員會特於93年啟動「建構中藥用藥安全環境計畫」,內容涵蓋提升中藥產業之人「專業素養」與物「藥品品質」,並分為『落實中藥製劑(材)品質管制機制』、『建立亞太中藥標準品供應機制』、『修訂中藥法律規章及加強宣導教育』、『強化中藥產業科技人才培訓』、『強化中藥資源管理與建立資訊暨通路網絡』及『強化中藥製程安全與建立研發平台』等七大部分,其具體成果已作為我國建立中藥用藥安全環境暨政策研擬之重要背景依據。藉由此基礎下,回應民眾對中藥用藥安全之需求,進而達成促進經濟成長及產業升級、創造就業環境及提升中藥用藥安全之願景。
梁.陶弘景云:「眾醫都不識藥,唯聽市人,市人又不辨究,皆委采送之家。采送之家,傳習造作,真偽好惡莫測。」。清.鄭蕭岩偽藥條辨中云:「雖有良醫,而藥肆多偽,則良醫仍無濟於事,故良醫良藥,互相互輔而行。」但長期以來中草藥品種複雜,辨偽問題,一直困擾中醫藥界。真偽不辨,何談優劣?品種複雜,不能正本清源,以假當真,以真為假,真假不分,是非顛倒,名不符實的問題長期存在,這樣也就不能保障大眾用藥的安全、有效,亦難達治療疾病的目的。因此探討和澄清台灣市售易誤混用中藥材品種問題就顯得重要) ,本計畫將以中醫藥委員會已出版「台灣市售易混淆中藥圖鑑」(70種)及藥物食品檢驗局中藥材誤用混淆現況分析報告為基礎,進行市售易誤用混用中藥之全面調查,建立完備的應用資料庫及快速鑑定方法,同時建置網站,供中醫藥相關科系及從業人員參考使用,達成提升中藥用藥安全之願景。
Taiwan market easy to misuse of traditional Chinese medicines and building identification database
Chao-Lin Kuo
China Medical University
Taiwan people have 66% regular use of Chinese herbs, out-patient health care use frequency of 15%, to maintain the safety of traditional Chinese edicine, traditional Chinese medicine as a whole, and environmental system respond inadequately prepared bodies, established homes and the who resolution on traditional medicine. Chinese medicine Committee-to 2004 start introduction construction plan herbal medication safety environment, covering the promotion of traditional Chinese medicine industry introduction professional quality and from introduction drug quality and is divided into real medicines quality management system, built up Asia Pacific standard supply mechanism of Chinese medicine, revision of traditional Chinese medicine Act and regulations and to strengthen advocacy education , intensive medicine industry talents training, strengthening traditional resource management built up information and cum-network and strengthening medicines safety and built up a process and development platform, such as seven most, its concrete results have been built up as our herbal medication safety environment and policy development of important background. Through this Foundation, in response to popular demand of traditional Chinese medicine medication safety, thereby promoting economic growth and industrial upgrading, employment environment and enhance the safety of traditional Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine for a long time is an important drug heal healing, the variety of cures for diseases, and provides a wealth of source, so the quality is good or bad, directly related to peoples health and the safety of life, is able to ensure the efficacy of the important factors that influence on the development of traditional Chinese medicine. Avoid misuse of mixed drugs on the market, provide public safety, construction of herbal medications medication safety environment, is a priority, medicinal herbs mixed misuse of distinguishing true and proper use of parts that can provide the correct application of herbal medicine in the medical and research, since ancient times for the traditional Chinese medicine by topic of attention, clarified that the establishment of its base original scientific identification mechanisms, such as herb of morphological characteristics of the sensory or special identification, and the establishment of a digital image identification of database for future identification of basis, can more quickly and accurately than on the right of the original also is the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine and scientific skills and priority.
關鍵字:traditional Chinese medicine medication safety, identification of database, misuse of mixed drugs