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CCMP95-RD-027 中醫藥專家學術檔案

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:95-03-03
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


二十一世紀全世界對中醫藥高度投入,台灣要發展成為中醫藥生物科技島,除了要有先進的生物科技參與,更需要能完整繼承傳統中醫藥學術精華,才能在此基礎上承先啟後,繼往開來。有鑑於台灣中醫藥名家迅速凋零,藉由訪談以完整繼承台灣中醫藥傳統名家學術經驗,已是當務之急。並可藉此建立台灣本土中醫藥學術檔案,以利中醫教育與臨床研究發展。本計劃將分三年按下列步驟逐步完成。 1.分區訪察,搜集台灣中醫藥耆宿專家名單並試行與其聯絡溝通,邀約前往拜訪。 2.針對各中醫藥專家學術經驗特色與疾病診療專長,確立訪談主題與方向。 3.分派助理持續前往訪談,整理其學術傳承、診療特色、驗案等。 4.儘可能重點錄影,保留老中醫看診模式特點,診療手法與工具,以及老藥師對藥物鑑定、炮製心得及藥物不良反應之經驗。 5.進一步收集其著作及相關醫學成就,並可選擇性的辦理學術研討會及出版專書。

Collections of the Scholarship of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Hen-Hong Chang
Chang Gung University
While the studies of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) throughout the world have been advancing since 21 century. Taiwan can be developed to a modern island of biotechnology in TCM, will depend on the excellent studies of TCM excepting the study of biotechnology . In view of the fact that the number of famous old specialist in Traditional Chinese Medicine is decreasing rapidly in Taiwan . At present , it is essential to call on the existing old doctors to collect their actual experiences and scholarships for complete hereditament. And by this method, the scholarship files of TCM native to Taiwan can be established to help the development of TCM education and its clinical study. This project will be accomplished in 3 years as following steps?HHHHHHG 1. By searching each territory, to find out the names of these famous old doctors of TCM native to Taiwan. Communicate with them and making scheduled visit. 2. According to the scholarship, clinical experience and character of each famous old doctor , making proper topic for visit. 3. Send the assistants to visit them continuously. Collect and study the characters of their own clinical experiences on each case and scholarship. 4. If possible, please DVD or Record the methods, treatments, tools used, know-how and actions to each case that famous old doctors used , and their experiences, in recognition of Chinese medicine, in prescription, or in bad reactions between medicines.
關鍵字:Chinese medicine;expert;interview;