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CCMP95-RD-206 黃耆皂甘Ⅳ及丹參酮ⅡA對人類肺癌細胞基因表現的影響

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:95-01-03
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


黃耆皂甘Ⅳ及丹參酮ⅡA對人類肺癌細胞基因表現的影響中文摘要癌症是國人十大死亡原因的首位,而肺癌是台灣地區癌症死亡原因的第一名。丹參(Salvia miltiorrhiza, Bunge),含有丹參酮ⅡA (TanshinoneⅡA)、可以誘導肝癌、肺癌和乳癌細胞凋亡。黃耆,含有黃耆皂甘Ⅳ(Astragaloside IV),可提升癌症病患在化學或放射治療後的免疫力,改善體質和生活品質。很多肺癌病人經常服用中藥黃耆和丹參,希望藉由現代分子醫學研究黃耆皂苷Ⅳ及丹參酮IIA對肺癌細胞基因表現的影響,進而來探討傳統中醫藥黃耆和丹參在肺癌治療時扮演輔助治療或替代治療的價值。首先利用PARP抗體和DAPI染色檢測,確認黃耆皂甘IV及丹參酮IIA是否會誘導肺癌細胞走向凋亡(Apoptosis)。再利用流式細胞儀(FACS)檢測黃耆皂甘Ⅳ及丹參酮IIA對肺癌細胞的增殖是否有抑制作用和對肺癌細胞是否有促凋亡作用,對鈣離子濃度、ROS的量、粒腺體的膜電位下降及Caspase-3活性是否有影響。利用西方墨點法(Western blot)檢測,黃耆皂甘Ⅳ及丹參酮IIA是否影響凋亡相關信號傳遞的蛋白(如Bax、Bcl-2、p53、p21 和Cytochrome c);細胞週期停滯相關蛋白(如Wee1、Cdc25c、Cyclin A、Cyclin B、Cdk1和Cdk2);細胞侵襲轉移能力相關蛋白(如VEGF、NF-κBp65、Cox-2、MMP2、MMP7及MMP-9)的表現量。利用生物晶片檢測,黃耆皂甘Ⅳ及丹參酮IIA引起肺癌細胞凋亡和侵襲轉移能力相關蛋白的基因表達結果。再利用裸鼠皮下注射接種人類肺小細胞癌骨髓轉移細胞株NCI-H146,檢測黃耆皂甘Ⅳ及丹參酮ⅡA對小鼠人類肺癌細胞的治療作用及轉移的抑制作用。

Effects of Astragaloside IV and TanshinoneIIA on Gene Expression in Human Lung Cancer Cells

Jin - Cheng Su
Hua-lian Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital
Effects of Astragaloside IV and Tanshinone IIA on Gene Expression in Human Lung Cancer Cells Abstract Lung cancer is number one in the cause of malignant tumor inducing death in Taiwan. Tanshinone II A is one of the compositions of danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza, Bunge), it was well documenting that tanshinone II A can induce apoptosis in hepatoma, lung cancer and breast cancer. Astragaloside IV is one of the compositions of Astragalus, Huang-qi, (Astragalus membranaceus Bunge); it was well document that Astragaloside IV can improve the immune ability and life quality for cancer patients. Huang-qi and danshen was the most common traditional herb for lung cancer patients. The Huang-qi and danshen are traditional herbal medicines .Several studies have indicated that Tanshinone II A and Astragaloside IV exhibits antitumour properties, but underlying mechanism is not well known.
關鍵字:Astragaloside IV;Tanshinone IIA;Human Lung Cancer Cell Lines;Gene expression